๐Ÿฐ chee cherries quiet party

entries from july 2021

British Summer Time GMT+1

Sunday, July 25, 2021

What to say about this week?

We went out for a kind of anniversary dinner on Wednesday at a gluten free restaurant called Niche. The photos they use on their website make it appear like a large dungeon, but it's a beautiful small restaurant with a floor-to-ceiling window all along one side and an incredibly nice all/0-gender bathroom the size of my flat.

My notes for this week are mostly angsty song lyrics that I will have to burn, but let's see what I have:

  • i went to see people from my office job play rounders on monday
    • it was a lovely day that went on until 2am
    • there are some things i want to write about, but i don't know how to
    • my boss's boss's boss asked me and some other spectators to "post some shit" in the corporate slack, so we posted some shit in the corporate slack
    • a stranger at a bar grabbed my right tit and squeezed it while making direct eye contact with me
  • i just wanna choo-choo and keep going
  • i didn't realize that activating the break clause on my apartment would mean the estate agent would be bringing people to my house every day for the next 2 months
  • we watched the whole Olympics opening ceremony on Friday morning when i was off sick
  • keep finding myself staring in the mirror thinking about what a fat dumb bitch i am

out of one's element, in one's cups

here's a track i finished today. i'm either ahead of my time, or a terrible musician.

i always thought "one's" was spelt "ones" like "its" and "hers" but the dictionary of english idioms told me it was "out of one's element" and "in one's cups" and i'm no hemigway

good night, sweet one

British Summer Time GMT+1

Sun., Jul 18 2021


  • I have no friends here. I will be alone alone
  • it's been a long time since I've felt intense sadness in my chest all the time like this. it's really fucking annoying
  • 3 years of stability and union, after a life time of lonely chaos, I am not ready to return but I am powerless to stop it
  • he'd visited a freecycle user's porch and picked up two large cardboard boxes for us. one was branded for ethical toilet paper, the other said "old world new world out of this world"
  • when he'd got back I was sitting on a bench, crying, feeling hectic, holding it in, texting people about it. I had my hair pulled back hoping the sun would repair the large white and pink stripe it left on my face the day before. we went inside. I couldnt take it, I left again.
  • we went through some drawers and binned some things. I cried when I found the pink Gameboy I'd given him the day we met.
  • I jogged with him to Peckham Rye station
  • I don't think I've ever jogged before
  • we had coffee and lunch at a little table in the sunken garden by One New Change
  • I was sick and I went to a meeting and he went to an exercise class for gays and did high intensity interval training
  • we got caught in the rain, he wrapped his brown hoody around his backpack and we went to Oxford St so he could get new exercise shorts
  • we hid in a secret Costa upstairs of Oxford Street Next and had flat white and espresso con panna. i'd ordered an iced flat white, and they made me a hot one. i sucked it up
  • we went to Wagamama and had rice noodle "ramen" and "naked katsu" (two foods whose names contain a lie) and non-gluten prawn lollipop
  • it was a wild wet day in the end, we walked all over Oxford Street and Queen Victoria Street and took northern and bakerloo
  • I was sick and sweating and feeling physically drained
  • he got me a skipping rope and I skipped in the park with other people around
  • blood sugar 5.7


  • was sick but went in for a meeting again.
  • so much anxiety, so irritated by it. have stuff to do.
  • stayed in a hotel Tue and Wed.
  • it's one of the smallest rooms I've stayed in. maybe smaller even than the tiny place in Paris where I suffered an ear infection, with the blood black wax. that place had a desk, so seems bigger in my memory. but it also had a slanted roof, so maybe smaller by volume
  • room 120. easyHotel. feel so sick. choked on a chicken satay stick
  • had a 4 hour chat on the phone with Simon Legg about love, law and loss. and the JFK assassination
  • lay on my back and listened to Conga Y Timbal by Los Yagarรบ
  • what will happen?


  • I woke up and i regretted it immediately
  • had a dream I shaved my head down the middle (it was patchy, looked like Danny DeVito), was replacing someone's wireless electronics I'd secretly installed in the bush for their dogs with a single long German wire. it was at Harmony Drive, the corner of Harmony Hill. I was meant to call Abe to talk. long dream. Philadelphia Cheese was called Partido in Spain , or maybe Kraft was called Partido.
  • I slept on my hand with my wrist bent all the way back and woke up In pain. do that a lot
  • feeling needy
  • spending the day alone to give him time and space to think
  • in the dream a stranger offered me a hug because I'd stopped in the street and was staring at them, I thought I was staring in the middle distance but when I looked more closely at them I realised they were right
  • a new firmware was released for the op-1. it fixes all the crackle and pop.
  • drank several beers and a couple of litres of kalimotxo


  • hello! good morning. i woke up and drank a quarter of a bottle of kalimotxo.
  • I can't enjoy music and if I turn off podcasts (which I'm not really even listening to) for more than a few minutes then I become consumed by own feelings
  • I have to force myself to eat every mealtime because even though food seems impossible to face I know it will get worse if I don't
  • im still sick too.
  • trying to maintain a blood alcohol level just over that which would make it illegal to drive
  • i thought we had more time
  • listened to You're Not Alone by Andrew WK on repeat and cried in the park. a dog came over
  • i text and asked if we could have a "chill night". Abe came home and we played fortnite
  • I'm trying to be normal but I'm so awkward


  • We had a nice breakfast (overnight oats (or cold brew porridge as kara's partner correctly calls it)) with chopped cherries and yoghurt
  • We got a iced coffee from the general store and sat in holly hedges and had a morning chat
    • I'm so awkward
  • feeling better, went into the office to work
  • had a prawn cocktail and a Manhattan for lunch in Harry's Bar
    • the cutlery was really heavy
    • I was surrounded by bankers
    • there are four kinds of men at Harry's. bankers, ex-bankers, budget Hemingways and trans boys
  • met Abe in the Whitechapel gallery after work, then we sat in the grass. I don't know how things are
  • we went to Nando's for dinner. walked by the river down by the Tate
  • fell into a weird sleep


  • I don't remember the morning. it was so hot. I think I drank some kalimotxo.
  • went to the park near Nisa Local to read and make music. I'm working on a good one. a dog came over and we gave it water from our bottles.
  • later on I went to a housewarming pool party in the back garden. I met some neighbours for the first time. they were all very nice.
  • later (1am) I met some people in the park who were having their monthly park bench wine party. they were very nice too.


  • hungover
  • hot
  • at night we lay on the grass and looked at the stars
British Summer Time GMT+1

Sunday, July 11 2021

  • I didn't know about Beckenham Place Park, it's lovely

    • i got on the train to think
    • got off at Ravensbourne because it had a bird's name
    • followed the signs to Crab Hill because it had a crab's name
    • found myself in a large big green park with a lake and a forest i'd never seen before, 15 mins from home
  • football's coming home this evening, richard branson (the billionaire misanthropist who invented branson pickle) is going to space

  • most of my notes from this week are really depressing so i'm not going to type them up

    • one is really maudlin and worth pasting here so posterity knows the extent of my melodrama:
      • "my life is turning to fucking dust around me"
  • i'm going to activate the break clause on my flat

    • it's a 2 month break clause

    • feels really precarious to activate it.

    • generally i can't find flats to rent more than 1 month in advance, so i need to activate this and then sit for a month and then find something before i run out of time

    • i wonder what it's like to have savings

  • we went to see Freaky on Thursday evening. it was better and more thoughtful than expected

  • i've been learning Spanish on Duolingo. I've competed a 7 day streak i.e. I'm fluent

  • let's all go to beckenham place park and drink mango white claws

British Summer Time GMT+1
maybe football will and branson won't 
British Summer Time GMT+1

delete all my tweets

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tweet.js. Deleting tweets 12350 of 17959

British Summer Time GMT+1

so the UK government actually passed a bill that allows for cops and informants to get immunity to literally any crime


it was given royal assent in March and it's fucked up.

also the list of relevant authorities allowed to authorize legal crime by cops and snitches is really funny:

Police forces etc - Any police force. - The National Crime Agency. - The Serious Fraud Office. The intelligence services - Any of the intelligence services. The armed forces - Any of Her Majestyโ€™s forces. Revenue and Customs - Her Majestyโ€™s Revenue and Customs. Government departments - The Department of Health and Social Care. - The Home Office. - The Ministry of Justice. Other bodies - The Competition and Markets Authority. - The Environment Agency. - The Financial Conduct Authority. - The Food Standards Agency. - The Gambling Commission.


love to be legally murdered by a Food Standards Agency informant.

there was an amendment to say that it was still illegal for cops to rape, kill and torture

and that amendment was: rejected

the other police bill is in the house of commons for its third reading today (the one that makes protest (or being a gypsy) illegal). i read the 139 pages of tabled amendments early this morning when i couldn't sleep. some of them are pretty good. one of them makes it illegal to buy a dog with cash.

there's an amendment to specify explicitly that protest is legal, but it doesn't really go far enough because it allows public bodies to intervene to "prevent disorder", which.. protest is disorder

but there's another amendment to actually remove the whole Public Order section (that's the section about protest), which would be great!

and some amendments that say if a council is kicking travelers out they have to first offer them a caravan site

there's another amendment that says the whole "protest is illegal" section can't come into effect until after a general election has been held, and then both houses of parliament have to ratify it

labour wants the chance to campaign with "vote for us if you don't want protest to be illegal" which is very funny

anyway, let's learn espaรฑol

British Summer Time GMT+1

Sunday, 4th July 2021

  • Happy 4th of July!! ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ โ›”๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡งโ›” ๐Ÿ›ธ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐ŸŒ

  • when we were in North Harrow, we visited a Pound Land and bought Dark Crystal on DVD

    • we watched it finally on Wednesday, but the English track didn't work (completely silent), so we watched it in German with English subtitles
    • the bad birds screaming "ICH BIN DER IMPERATOR" was quite powerful
  • Rummy died

    • the BBC closed their obituary with a quote from someone comparing him to the Cheshire cat. "It was a grin of supreme self-satisfaction and behind the grin might be nothing at all"
    • remember when donny rummy did a speech announcing major cutbacks to the pentagon budget on Sept 10 2001
  • there's a badly produced but important podcast about the spycops inquiry here: https://www.spycops.info/ -- recommended listening

    • there's not much news coverage on the infiltration of left wing groups by cops
      • some times they took positions of power within the organization
      • some times they entered into long relationships with women and in a few cases got em pregnant
      • most of the cops have been allowed to remain anonymous
      • there was a chance for journalists to see some of them give testimony on live video, and the only paper that turned up was the Morning Star
      • the event is not being recorded. journalists are allowed to request an audio stream, but most people can only access the court transcript
      • anyway, all of this is legal now
        • under this bill the police can legally commit crimes as long as it is "in the interests of the economic well-being of the United Kingdom", or national security, or preventing a crime or disorder
          • lmao
  • the ocean went on fire

  • the man who prosecuted Oscar Wilde also started the fucking UVF

  • ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟโšฝ it's coming home โšฝ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ