you can't crush 22, it doesn't get smaller
on page 83 of Andrew W.K.'s vision journal there is a paragraph about
fabricating a creative notebook that outlines the entire plan in detail and
every time i read it i start screaming
week 4; 2022
i've been trying to burn a mix CD in 2022.
- still shows the option "Burn playlist to disk" if you insert a blank CD.
- I made a playlist for reasons that can't be discussed here for now.
- got the songs from a variety of places.
- some i bought from iTunes,
- some i already had
- some i downloaded on Soulseek, and
- another i bought on Bandcamp.
- some i bought from iTunes,
- got the songs from a variety of places.
- I tried with a bunch of disks, kept failing to burn.
- Tried with different speeds and usb ports and all kinds, no luck.
- figured it was my shitty cheap eBay cd writer
- Eventually bought an Apple SuperDrive. in 2022. got it cheap on eBay.
- It worked!
- then i discovered i'd accidentally put a track with a hidden track as track 2.
- i cut that track up, putting the hidden part at the end of the mix CD ;D ;)
- then i discovered i'd accidentally put a track with a hidden track as track 2.
- It worked!
oh? are we back to doing bullets, rabbits?
On Wednesday I went into the office. Then I went out with some people from work I don't see very often and gathered a hangover, and found myself defending my inclusion of elon musk on the list of people i will be visiting once i get my gun.
On Thursday I went into the office again so I could attend boardgames and see Dani and Christabel.
i love them, and several of their friends
Christabel left quite early, after which I drank very quickly and then went to karaoke with many complete strangers and also S.
I don't really remember much other than I said way too much several times, and there was a cute person there who cared as much as i do about Night Shape and S was very kind and took care of me and and I once again found myself defending my inclusion of elon musk on the list of people i will be visiting once i get my gun. for reference, see the 3 trueanon episodes about elon to understand why he deserves to be on the ch'k-ch'k-boom list and please stop defending billionaires you bunch of weirdos
- thanks
- thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks
- and i remember saying "thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks" during the instrumentals of karaoke songs
- and i remember my voice being completely ruined but trying to sing anyway
- and i remember not caring what anybody thinks
- thanks
On Thursday I also had lunch with one of my absolute favourite colleagues, and learned some very interesting historical info about their family and a variety of jungle animals
Follow-up on the Monzo fraud thing: The Financial Ombudsman took my side and the charges were all reversed, and then Monzo sent me an extra **Β£**50 to apologize for making me call ombudsman on them.
- ombudsmans rule banksΒ drool
- i can't wait to escalate more things to anΒ ombudsman. this is a whole new path for me.
- if you are rude to me i will tell theΒ ombudsman
- ombudsmans rule banksΒ drool
On Friday i hid in a dark room and flaked on everybody.
- i feel so bad for not attending E's birthday. i think of her every time i look at the stars, yet i was not there for her birthday.
- if anyone ever tells you it's ok to say no to things they are lying
I spent most of Saturday cataloguing Lee Harvey Oswald content in DEVONthink 3
- he was truly a patsy
- but not just a patsy
- i'm working on texas school book depository again.
then i had a psychedelic experience on a bus and stratford westfield, and on greater anglia train
- how many gecs is this?
- ca_n't get out, can't get out_
- f_eel like iβm moving but iβm not, feel like iβm movi_ng but iβm not
On Saturday evening I attended a strange event
felt like rave culture filtered through an HR department
- i can't be having being cc'd in an email with a bunch of strangers
- or having the few beers i brought confiscated on the way in
- or gendered bathrooms
- hired Security, no feeling of security
- licensed bar(??)
- somewhat art
- also a vibe that i canβt explain. artsy, serious, oppressive, like there is a way to be there. canβt put my finger on it, but β¦ itβs party vibes not rave vibes . and when i say party i mean dinner party not AWK party.
- they also didn't give me my beer back on the way out
- one person pretended not to remember the beer
- another pretended they threw it in a skip
- i told them i was not looking for reimbursement and begged them simply for some sincerity, which they refused
all that being said it was really wonderful too.
the lights and the music, very good. especially later.
we held hands and told each other we loved each other and held each other and i legit criedΒ lol
tatiana and katya were there, who i love uncontrollably.
- it was very hard to leave while they were there
there was also someone there who kept calling me Thumper, which i enjoyed
i wish i was born with no genitals just completely smooth from the top to the bottom all around just an egg i wish i was born a perfect angel baby eggΒ all smooth and beautiful
After that event, i walked for thirty minutes listening to hyperpop and then took a train from one business park unit to another
- i had to leave that event shortly after i arrived because the vibe was all wrong
- i'm trying to listen to myself when i get a vibe, after new years when i ignored the vibe and it was real
- this vibe was so fucked that it's making me think i should have done something about it, rather than just tell everyone why i was leaving and then leave.
- i had to leave that event shortly after i arrived because the vibe was all wrong
oh and also, at the risk of embarrassing myself dreadfully moments from now:
- i appear to have given up smoking?
- don't know if it's real, but i haven't had any nicotine since Friday morning
- didn't use a vape, didn't buy any cigs. don't have any.
- the idea of smoking a cigarette seemed gross to me earlier, several times.
- don't know,seems strange.
- i didn't do it on purpose, i just forgot to smoke all day and now it's Day 3.
- don't know if it's real, but i haven't had any nicotine since Friday morning
- i appear to have given up smoking?
i think i have something in my paper journal i wanted to write about here, but it's slightly too far away so i'm going to hit that publish button
- thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks
βkawhoo is joe? 2β is, and iβm being painfully sincere here to the point where itβs embarrassing for you how sincere iβm being, is one of the most of perfectly executed pieces of art ever created from the title (the 2!!!) to the zeroth second to the last. itβs perfect, concept and execution perfect.
when people say where are you from iβm going back to saying Internet