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  • British Summer Time GMT+1

    jfk bicentennial coin with date 1776-1976

    I always thought JFK was 46 when he died

    but according to this coin here

    he was 200 years old

    British Summer Time GMT+1
    imagine a very small horse hold it, feel it in your hands set it beside you on your desk pet it, feed it treat it well
    British Summer Time GMT+1

    just learnt the spanish for "the oven" and i am loling

    screenshot of translation site showing English: "the oven" and Spanish: el

    British Summer Time GMT+1

    the internal of a teenage engineering op-1, showing the speaker and volume circuit

    the speaker inside an op-1

    i wonder how good a speaker i could fit in this little space

    British Summer Time GMT+1


    This gameboy might be too small. It's an RP2040 with a 72x40 oled screen and a piezo speaker. It's an inch tall.

    here it is with a bee: