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  • British Summer Time GMT+1

    electric mouse

    a photo of a sticker on a bench. the sticker depicts a fat yellow mouse. a thicket of rose bushes is visible behind the bench. it has large white roses and some small pink heads

    British Summer Time GMT+1

    North Harrow could do with a few more traffic lights

    happymac.png 296 Bytes
    British Summer Time GMT+1

    Sunday, 16th May 2021

    • On Monday i talked to the doctor about parts of my body going numb (peripheral neuropathy)
      • They were a little mocking and weird about it when i asked if it could be diabetes (because it seems to happen when i eat stuff that would raise my blood sugar)
      • They issued a blood test
      • Abe collected it on his way home, also bringing taco ingredients
      • My body hurts
    • most meals this week have been tacos
    • in this clip from True Detective, when McConnahuey says "Again, and again, forever" he has Simon Legg's exact mannerisms and facial expressions
    • added indieweb features to my blog
      • it turns out there's a bunch of wordpress plugins for indieweb
      • and i don't have to do any work to support things like Webmentions
      • and there's a theme that adds a bunch of semantic html to post types. it's amazing
        • i've forked that theme; "rabbit sempress" is what i'm using here
      • i informed my RSS subscribers that the feed may get more noisy
      • and now i can replace Telecam and chee.party/audio with wordpress lol
        • also if i ever stop being a weirdo about social media then i can feed those RSS feeds to stuff like Twitter and Instagram
      • using "post own site, syndicate elsewhere" (POSSE) turns social networks into nodes
        • i post something on my blog, it gets syndicated to Twitter
        • you like it from your site. theΒ like gets syndicated to Twitter
        • the like is then picked up by something like Bridgy which sends a Webmention to my blog
        • Our nodes have used Twitter as a node to communicate
        • Social networks no longerΒ the network, now nodes on a wider network: the web
    • On Tuesday, I had the blood test
      • the person said "I am a student: is it OK if I take your blood?"
    • PSA: You should stop using AWS in your personal projects
    • Abe woke up in the middle of the night and said
      • "Hello! I'm looking at the lights-- Not the lights but the reflectives. They store the energy???"

      • and then went back to sleep

    • On Thursday I got my blood results
      • My average blood sugar has been over twice as high as the top-end of "normal range" for at least a month
      • screenshot of a photo of a woman eating salad captioned "Type 2 Diabetes Prompted This Woman ot Give Up..."
    • On Friday night we opened booking.com and filtered "Greater London" by "has bath" and booked the first result
      • We're in Harrow now
      • It's cute here
      • We got a bunch of bath products like radox, and bath bombs, and bubble bath and a bunch of masks (face, eye, hair, boob & bum)
        • i am so clean
    British Summer Time GMT+1

    who did these files

    British Summer Time GMT+1
    we've spent all our holiday money on bath bombs and beauty masks. they have so many i got a boob mask