
feline modeline

my modeline.

i never use the mouse feature of the modeline, and i rarely look at it for anything other than mode, buffer id, line and column. the area at the end where emacs programs put their own stuff, like the org-clock or the function name, is really useful too. it’s normally pushed off the screen by minor modes, feline does not display minor modes.

mode names can be represented by symbols to save delicious space, here is my configuration for that.

emacs-lisp :comments none :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/.emacs.d/chee/feline.el

;;; feline --- a modeline with very little
;;; Commentary:
;;; be fast and small
;;; Code:

(defgroup feline nil
  "The feline modeline."
  :group 'mode-line
  :prefix "feline-"
  :link '(url-link :tag "Homepage" "https://github.com/chee/feline.el"))

(defgroup feline-faces nil
  "Feline faces."
  :group 'feline
  :group 'faces
  :link '(url-link :tag "Homepage" "https://chee.party/notebook/docfiles/feline.org"))

(defface feline-buffer-id-face
  '((t ()))
  "The buffer's name in the feline."
  :group 'feline-faces)

(defface feline-major-mode-face
  '((t (:weight bold)))
  "The major mode's name in the feline."
  :group 'feline-faces)

(defface feline-position-prefix-face
  '((t (:inherit font-lock-comment-face)))
  "The prefix for line and column positions."
  :group 'feline-faces)

(defface feline-project-name-face
  '((t (:weight bold)))
  "The name of the current project."
  :group 'feline-faces)

(defface feline-evil-face
  '((t (:weight bold)))
  "A face for evil in the feline."
  :group 'feline-faces)

(defface feline-evil-normal-face
  '((t (:inherit feline-evil-face
         :background "#000"
         :foreground "white")))
  "The evil normal feline."
  :group 'feline-faces)

(defface feline-evil-emacs-face
  '((t (:inherit feline-evil-face
         :background "#3366ff"
         :foreground "white")))
  "The evil Emacs feline."
  :group 'feline-faces)

(defface feline-evil-insert-face
  '((t (:inherit feline-evil-face
         :background "#3399ff"
         :foreground "white")))
  "The evil insert feline."
  :group 'feline-faces)

(defface feline-evil-visual-face
  '((t (:inherit feline-evil-face
         :background "#ffee88"
         :foreground "#333")))
  "The evil visual feline."
  :group 'feline-faces)

(defface feline-position-face
  '((t (:inherit font-lock-constant-face)))
  "The value for the line and column positions."
  :group 'feline-faces)

(defcustom feline-line-prefix
  "The prefix for line number."
  :type 'string
  :group 'feline)

(defcustom feline-column-prefix
  "The prefix for column number."
  :type 'string
  :group 'feline)

(defcustom feline-mode-symbols
  "The replacement for a mode's name.
The key is the full mode name including -mode, i.e. \"emacs-lisp-mode\".
If there is no match, the fallback is the mode name without the -mode suffix."
  :type '(plist :key-type symbol :value-type string)
  :group 'feline)

(defun feline/get-mode-symbol (mode)
  "Get an symbol representation for MODE from the list `feline/mode-symbol'."
        feline-mode-symbols major-mode)
      (format "%s" major-mode))
    'face 'feline-major-mode-face))

(defun feline/mode-name (mode)
  "Get a feline representation of MODE."
  (replace-regexp-in-string "-mode$" "" (feline/get-mode-symbol mode)))

(defun feline/major-mode nil
  "Get a feline representation of the major mode."
  (feline/mode-name major-mode))

(defun feline/buffer-id (buffer-id)
  "Get a feline representation of BUFFER-ID."
      "\\*Org Src \\([^[]*\\)\\[ \\(.*\\) +]"
      " \\1→src(\\2)"
    'face 'feline-buffer-id-face))

(defun feline/evil nil
  "Get a feline representation of the evil mode."
  (when (bound-and-true-p evil-local-mode)
    (apply 'propertize
        ((evil-normal-state-p) '("normal" face feline-evil-normal-face))
        ((evil-emacs-state-p) '("emacs" face feline-evil-emacs-face))
        ((evil-insert-state-p) '("insert" face feline-evil-insert-face))
        ((evil-motion-state-p) '("motion" face feline-evil-motion-face))
        ((evil-visual-state-p) '("visual" face feline-evil-visual-face))
        ((evil-operator-state-p) '("operator" face feline-evil-operator-face))
        ((evil-replace-state-p) '("replace" face feline-evil-replace-face))
        (t ("normal" 'face 'feline-evil-normal-face))))))

(defun feline/positions nil
  "Present the line and column in the feline."
  (concat (propertize
            'face 'feline-position-prefix-face)
      'face 'feline-position-face)
      'face 'feline-position-prefix-face)
      'face 'feline-position-face)))

(defvar feline--project-name-cache '())

(defun feline/--last-meaningful-string (list)
  "Get last meaningful string from LIST."
  (let* ((n (car list)) (rest (cdr list)) (nn (car rest)))
    (if (or (not nn) (string-empty-p nn))
      (feline/--last-meaningful-string rest))))

(defun feline/--project-name nil
  "Get the current project, if we're in one."
  (let ((project (project-current)))
    (when project
        (split-string (project-root project) "/")))))

(defun feline/project-name nil
  "Get a feline representation of the current project name."
  (let* ((filename (buffer-file-name))
          (cached (plist-get feline--project-name-cache filename)))
        ;; tramp makes this _really slow_ so we're gonna just exit sideways
        (if (and (fboundp 'tramp-tramp-file-p) (tramp-tramp-file-p filename))
          (if cached cached
            (or (feline/--project-name) "")))
        'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight
        'local-map (let ((🐈‍⬛ (make-sparse-keymap)))
                     (define-key 🐈‍⬛ [mode-line mouse-1] 'project-switch-project)
        'face 'feline-project-name-face))))

(defvar feline/original-modeline mode-line-format)

(defvar feline-mode nil "\"t\" if feline is active.")

(defun feline/spray nil
  "Stop feline, returning the previous modeline."
  (setq feline-mode nil)
  (setq-default mode-line-format feline/original-modeline))

(defun feline/purr nil
  "Start feline."
  (setq feline-mode t)
       (:eval (feline/evil))
       " "
       (:eval (propertize (if (buffer-modified-p) "*" "") 'face 'feline-buffer-id-face))
       (:eval (feline/major-mode))
       " "
       (:eval (feline/buffer-id (format-mode-line "%b")))
       " "
       (:eval (feline/project-name))
       " "
       (:eval (feline/positions))
       " "

(define-minor-mode feline-mode
  "Toggle _f_e_l_i_n_e_."
  :group 'feline
  :global t
  :lighter nil
  (if feline-mode

(provide 'feline)
;;; feline ends here