🐰 chee cherries quiet party

entries from october 2020

Greenwich Mean Time GMT

kombucha on the mantle

happy hallowe’en πŸŽƒ

one time, at the end of a dorky halloween episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Melissa Joan Hart did a sombre direct-to-camera where she was like β€œlook i know we all had a good time during this episode, but don’t forget what halloween is really about: family”.

i think about that sometimes and wonder if she was meant to be in character, because it’s about family if you’re a witch in a family of witches? or if they were really trying to make halloween into a second christmas. halloween’s about spooky snacks and old horror movies, right?

did you know Melissa Joan Hart’s mother was executive producer on Sabrina for its entire run? but not for Clarissa, which explains a lot.

anyway we got gifted a SCOBY this afternoon and now it’s on the mantle with a bunch of sugar and some Yorkshire tea, secured under cheesecloth with a teenage engineering brand elastic band. so.

i’m only even awake right now because at 6pm i sampled some of the cold brew i put in the fridge yesterday.

i guess i should start making nut milk.

it’s all cheesecloth these days isn’t it