🐰 chee cherries quiet party

entries from 2020

Greenwich Mean Time GMT

public dump

i made a website yesterday

💔 https://cc0.snoot.club/

i call it the public dump

if you register as a Copyright Holder, you can create Collections and add Pieces to those Collections

💔 here (was) an example collection

it contains some parts of songs i’ve started making but don’t know how to finish. and so they’ve been released to public domain.

you can upload any kind of file, and it will be added to the Collection and displayed with a CC0 license, dedicating it to the public domain.

if it’s a sound or a picture or a video it will be displayed with a little preview. registrations are open.

e-mail me with your legal name (for the dedication mark) and desired username, and i’ll send you a password.

Greenwich Mean Time GMT



today i went to the dental hygenist. they really name that in such a way that if you don’t know what it is, well, i don’t think i would have gone if it had been called “dental scraping”. my mouth bled a lot, there was lots of blood, and flakes. shards flying around the room!

“calcified yuck” they said, is what the shards were.

the train home

on the train home i made this:

using a cassette recorder, the op-1 and the wired heart which i got with a voucher for doing a marketing interview with bitwig.

op-1 split drum

the drum kit on “teeth scrape teeth” is the op1’s built-in AWA Beef kit, which i fed through the tape recorder and back into the op-1 and chopped it up.

i wanted to share the kit with kara, but the op-1 stores kits as a single AIF instead of separate samples for each drum. luckily people have reverse engineered the drum format plenty. it has some embedded json in it, a bit of (standards compliant!) trickiness with the AIFC spec. the json has the start and end points for each sample (as a frame. like, you take the start value (big number) and divide it by 44100 (for the sample rate) and divide that by 4096 (for the block size) and that’s the start time in seconds).

so i threw together a scrappy script to parse the json and extract the segments with ffmpeg.

if you want it, here it is:

Greenwich Mean Time GMT

raspberry pi 400

raspberry pi foundation have announced a new computer that is built into a keyboard.



the raspberry pi 400 pictured with the mouse, memory card, power supply and guidebook that come as part of its pack

this is so good!! it’s like a little amiga!

it has exposed GPIO pins, a micro SD slot, two micro HDMI, 3 usb-a ports and an ethernet port. usb-c charging. bluetooth 5.0, ble.

i want this as my work computer.

they’re £67.50 alone, or about £95 with a mouse, microsd, power supply and beginners guide.

they’ve added a heatsink and overclocked the CPU so it’s a quad-core 1.8ghz, rather than 1.5ghz.


the raspberry pi 400 pictured from behind showing its ports and pins

if the office still existed, this would be perfect for it. little 2020 zx spectrum. love that for me.

they would be so good for school too, everyone gets a keyboard with their name on it at the start of the year. you can keep it in a cupboard, or in your bag if you have a screen at home. the IT room is just a room of monitors.

i should get one and make it boot straight to a repl. maybe the python repl, and leave some glossy magazine printouts of pygame source code. or a lisp repl. or emacs.

install emacs as /sbin/init – http://www.informatimago.com/linux/emacs-on-user-mode-linux.html

— chee (hi@chee.party) 2020-11-02

Greenwich Mean Time GMT

tier 3

One of the exceptions to the tier 3 lockdown is for protests. Protests Organised, with precautions, by a business, charity, public body or political body after a risk assessment

laughing for a moment at “protests organised by a business”, let’s look at “risk assessment”.

the The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Local COVID-19 Alert Level) (Very High) (England) Regulations 2020 has this to say baout risk assessment

  1. The first requirement is that the organiser or manager has carried out a risk assessment that would satisfy the requirements of regulation 3 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999(35) (whether or not the organiser or manager is subject to those Regulations).

so that’s defined here and essentially means filling out one of these forms

and what is a “political body”?

Well, The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Local COVID-19 Alert Level) (Very High) (England) Regulations 2020 says:

(13) “A political body” means—

(a)a political party registered under Part 2 of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000(44), or

(b)a political campaigning organisation within the meaning of regulation 2 of the Health and Social Care (Financial Assistance) Regulations 2009(45)

okay, so let’s have a look at the Health and Social Care regulations 2009:

“political campaigning organisation” means any person carrying on, or proposing to carry on activities— (a)

to promote, or oppose, changes in any law applicable in the United Kingdom or elsewhere, or any policy of a governmental or public authority (unless such activities are incidental to other activities carried on by that person), or (b)

which could reasonably be regarded as intended to affect public support for a political party, or to influence voters in relation to any election or referendum (unless such activities are incidental to other activities carried on by that person);

so by protesting, you become a political body. and as long as you have, or somebody has, filled out a risk assessment form you can protest.

so let’s go. i have an EFF sticker on my laptop, which i have on there to promote policy changes. so as long as i fill out a risk assessment form, i have free reign. i can hunt all the grouse i want.

i am not a lawyer. this web log entry does not constitute legal advice

Greenwich Mean Time GMT

Sunday 1st november 2020

I’m going to charge my ipod nano, and fill it with mp3s and audiobooks. then i’m going to buy a digital camera and a feature phone with a hardware keyboard for texting.

Drawing room

we went to a small art gallery for the last time this year. it was full of automatic drawing and ghosts. https://drawingroom.org.uk/exhibitions/not-without-my-ghosts-the-artist-as-medium

There was a William Blake drawing of the ghost of Voltaire he probably saw in Peckham. always seeing ghosts, wasn’t he, blake. in peckham. on the rye.

Anna Mary Howitt

anna mary howitt burnt all her paintings and started drawing these complex pencil drawings that often centered a lady Christ. i’m trying to read more about her in a public domain biography that’s been digitized by a computer, but:

The desire being generally expressed for these brief “ Reminiscences” to be expanded and amplified, my mother commenced grarlmllv making the neorlfnl preparations.

  • PORTBAIT OF ALuiY HowiTT [from a photograph) . Frontispiece
  • PAOR
  • The Home at Uttoxeter . . . . . . .12
  • The Eey. /\JS’^3 CL0rES 36
  • Mes. Clowes attended by two Gextlemex of the Towx . 37
  • AxNA Bothvm at Croydox . . . . . . .45
  • Home of William Howitt at Hkanor 73
  • AcKWORTH School 76
  • Thomas Howitx of Heaxor (William Howitt’s Father) . 89
  • Jubilee of George III.
  • Birds and Flowers “ — Failure of the Conslitutional—ThaceTeLj and Dickens

Ithell Colquohoun

how come i never heard of this british surrealist occultist author? really excellent surrealist art and automatic drawing stuff with watercolours. and MAGICK. she was expelled from the british surrealist society, just because she wouldn’t renounce the occult, even though she had all this wheat:

ithell colquohoun with wheat

is that wheat?

plenty of tasty grass of some kind anyway. they’ll be embarrassed when the Æon of Ma’at comes and they have no grass.

a ithell colquohoun painting with watercolour and pen

ithell colquohon — pine family (1941)

that one was painted in cornwall. i’ll ask glynn about it.

Ann Churchill


morris interview

Chris Morris is very good in this interview. the interviewer keeps trying to get him to say “you can’t do satire these days mate what with trump and all” but he won’t, and he’s very elegant about it.


time for bed

tomorrow is the last day before the nightmare begins. remember to enable 2fa then log out of twitter, then log in as an account that only follows natalie imbruglia, then block api.twitter.com in your hosts file and delete the app from your phone. remember that you can read books instead of the news. remember that takes won’t help, only eggy bread will.

Greenwich Mean Time GMT

hallowe’en 2020

We are watching movies and eating spooky snacks

Coffee and breakfast

<2020-10-31 Sat 09:00>

Coffee and breakfast weren’t spokoy. A couple glasses of cold brew with milk, and something that was very nearly an omelette. Eggs, yoghurt, soy sauce, sugar, bacon, mushroom, and spinach.

Vampyr (1932)

<2020-10-31 Sat 11:30>



  • First up: Vampyr, a restoration from scraps of german and french prints, with a new(1998) german sound print.
  • they’re really whipping out the imagery.
  • a man with a scythe(death) has gone down by the river(death) and rung a bell(death)
  • the first section of the movie is a lot of hanging around staring at things and being spooked. it’s good they hired an actor with big eyes.

there are no kind or hund here

  • really good spooky face movements by Leone when she’s getting damned.

Sybille Schmitz having a vamp

“Why does the doctor come so late at night?”

  • Dr. Acula, I presume???
  • it’s a good slow movie. Full of literary tropes, and Christian scolding. there’s a whole section about how “sure, eating people is bad but suicide will send you to hell”.
  • There are a lot of slow scans of a printed german text about the vampyr, and if you lose your concentration for a moment the next scene is going to be very confusing. I spent a lot of the movie confused. “Are they going to dig einstein up and stake hiM??”
  • there’s a great community of shadow people who live on the walls and sometimes are captured digging up pits in reverse. they seem friendly and i’d have like to get to know them better.

ashes to ashes

<2020-10-31 Sat 11:52>

if men came from ash and return to ash when they die, does that mean when women die they become ribs?


<2020-10-31 Sat 12:20>

there are a few scenes where it is foggy, where it is too foggy, and i thought about how now we’d probably shoot it in clarity and add the fog as an after effect.

i prefer when things are a bit scrappy, and it captures what the artist wanted but as a compromise with life and luck and time.


<2020-10-31 Sat 13:00>

okay, now it’s time to drink some water and go for a walk to get some bell peppers to make into a spooky lunch. cut little jack-o-lantern eyes in them and fill them with creole jambalaya. creole jambalaya because it has tomatoes and hopefully the tomato juice will leak out their little eyes.


<2020-10-31 Sat 14:45>

the jambalaya is on the stove. the last time i ordered andouille from the only london butcher i could find who stocks it, i miscalculated the order and we ended up with 30 logs each of andouille and black pudding. the andouille they sell had too much thyme and rosemary in it for me (those both taste like mildew) so we ended up with a fridge shelf dedicated to almost inedible sausage.

since then i haven’t ordered any sausage online, and so in this jambalaya we are using chorizo and peperami. there is also chicken and bacon. and tomato and easy cook rice. i’ll be up every 15 minutes to stir it for a while, but we’re going to start watching Scream.

Scream (1996)

<2020-10-31 Sat 15:20>

Scream. I don’t really watch horror movies because i’m what they call a scaredy-cat. I’m not looking forward to this one, despite its meta narrative. I have avhard time telling the difference between reality and fiction and I think this weekend of scary movies followed by the U.S. presidential election on Tuesday and Wednesday will shake me up for anywhere between 4 weeks and 4 ever.

oh there’s the timer. stir the jambalaya and then settle in for a spook

<2020-10-31 Sat 17:33>

okay that wasn’t so bad. i’m interested in getting some of those stove-top popcorn things? like an inflating tinfoil? very nice. and someone should do a pair of r/relationships posts in character as Sid and Billy on the bed when billy is like “sorry, i was selfish for telling you to hurry up and get over your mother being raped and killed so i could havve sex with you sooner” and she’s like “no actually i’m the selfish one for having post traumatic stress about my mother being raped and killed one year ago tomorrow”


<2020-10-31 Sat 17:38>

We have carved our peppers and put them in the oven.

raw spooky peppers

raw spoopy peppers

The Evil Dead (1981)

<2020-10-31 Sat 17:40>

i’m excited to see the evil dead because it has bruce campbell and bruce campbell’s face in it.

update: it was very good.

the cooked peppers

they were very good

cooked spoopy peppers

cooked spoopy peppers

emergency milkshake

<2020-10-31 Sat 19:56>

we take a break for abe to do some work and me to write this. maybe after we will watch Alien, and then The Shining. i’ve never seen Alien, but i’ve seen The Shining.

Jennifer Juniper Stratford

<2020-10-31 Sat 20:16>

We just watched this interview with this strange person. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etiMbvc9454

it’s about video synthesizers. they have very weird energy. intense

popcorn time?

<2020-10-31 Sat 20:20>

i think it’s time for me to make some kettle corn for the next movies. i will be following this instructable if you would like to follow along at home: How to Make Kettle Corn

the instructions in brief are:


  • 1 oil
  • 1 corn
  • ½ a sugar
  • pinch of salt


  1. heat corn in oil until it starts to pop
  2. add sugar and lid
  3. spin the pot around as the popping ramps up and back down
  4. put popcorn in bowl
  5. wait 5 mins
  6. add salt and stir it around


i’m going to use a butter/oil blend this time and leave the salt out, getting all my salt from irish butter.

Alien (1979)

<2020-11-01 Sun 21:00>

Every time i type “alien” i type “alient”. every time.

the important thing about alien is that none of this would have happened if those boys on the lower deck had been able to unionize. contractually obliged to accept the call to adventure, at half the pay.

Going into it, I thought that Alien isn’t really the same kind of Halloweeny horror as the other movies we’ve watched today, that it fit mainly as a part of a set of films i was aware of the shape of from references only, like that quantum physics experiment with the glass tube. but it’s turned out to be the same kind of trapped in a bottle being picked off one by one spooker as the evil dead.

the subtitles broke at the end and it said Come on, cat. at the bottom of the screen the whole credit roll.

alien was good, the kettlecorn was really good

The Shining (1980)

<2020-11-01 Sun 22:50>

We took a break for a while and then started watching The Shining. The Shining understands better than any other movie we’ve watched today that the most terrifying thing imaginable is a normal man.

Come on, cat.

Greenwich Mean Time GMT

kombucha on the mantle

happy hallowe’en 🎃

one time, at the end of a dorky halloween episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Melissa Joan Hart did a sombre direct-to-camera where she was like “look i know we all had a good time during this episode, but don’t forget what halloween is really about: family”.

i think about that sometimes and wonder if she was meant to be in character, because it’s about family if you’re a witch in a family of witches? or if they were really trying to make halloween into a second christmas. halloween’s about spooky snacks and old horror movies, right?

did you know Melissa Joan Hart’s mother was executive producer on Sabrina for its entire run? but not for Clarissa, which explains a lot.

anyway we got gifted a SCOBY this afternoon and now it’s on the mantle with a bunch of sugar and some Yorkshire tea, secured under cheesecloth with a teenage engineering brand elastic band. so.

i’m only even awake right now because at 6pm i sampled some of the cold brew i put in the fridge yesterday.

i guess i should start making nut milk.

it’s all cheesecloth these days isn’t it