🐰 chee cherries quiet party

entries from may 2021

British Summer Time GMT+1

Sunday, 16th May 2021

  • On Monday i talked to the doctor about parts of my body going numb (peripheral neuropathy)
    • They were a little mocking and weird about it when i asked if it could be diabetes (because it seems to happen when i eat stuff that would raise my blood sugar)
    • They issued a blood test
    • Abe collected it on his way home, also bringing taco ingredients
    • My body hurts
  • most meals this week have been tacos
  • in this clip from True Detective, when McConnahuey says "Again, and again, forever" he has Simon Legg's exact mannerisms and facial expressions
  • added indieweb features to my blog
    • it turns out there's a bunch of wordpress plugins for indieweb
    • and i don't have to do any work to support things like Webmentions
    • and there's a theme that adds a bunch of semantic html to post types. it's amazing
      • i've forked that theme; "rabbit sempress" is what i'm using here
    • i informed my RSS subscribers that the feed may get more noisy
    • and now i can replace Telecam and chee.party/audio with wordpress lol
      • also if i ever stop being a weirdo about social media then i can feed those RSS feeds to stuff like Twitter and Instagram
    • using "post own site, syndicate elsewhere" (POSSE) turns social networks into nodes
      • i post something on my blog, it gets syndicated to Twitter
      • you like it from your site. theΒ like gets syndicated to Twitter
      • the like is then picked up by something like Bridgy which sends a Webmention to my blog
      • Our nodes have used Twitter as a node to communicate
      • Social networks no longerΒ the network, now nodes on a wider network: the web
  • On Tuesday, I had the blood test
    • the person said "I am a student: is it OK if I take your blood?"
  • PSA: You should stop using AWS in your personal projects
  • Abe woke up in the middle of the night and said
    • "Hello! I'm looking at the lights-- Not the lights but the reflectives. They store the energy???"

    • and then went back to sleep

  • On Thursday I got my blood results
    • My average blood sugar has been over twice as high as the top-end of "normal range" for at least a month
    • screenshot of a photo of a woman eating salad captioned "Type 2 Diabetes Prompted This Woman ot Give Up..."
  • On Friday night we opened booking.com and filtered "Greater London" by "has bath" and booked the first result
    • We're in Harrow now
    • It's cute here
    • We got a bunch of bath products like radox, and bath bombs, and bubble bath and a bunch of masks (face, eye, hair, boob & bum)
      • i am so clean
British Summer Time GMT+1

who did these files

British Summer Time GMT+1
we've spent all our holiday money on bath bombs and beauty masks.

they have so many

i got a boob mask 
British Summer Time GMT+1

British Summer Time GMT+1

micropub, which is a shared API for servers that post content

and microsub, which is a shared API for servers that handle people's feed subscriptions

combine together to create a concept known as "social reader"

where you have an RSS reader but you can do likes and replies

idk it's super exciting

British Summer Time GMT+1

we're in North Harrow watching Sky Arts a small tv and a framed painting of
flowers on a white wall

British Summer Time GMT+1

there's no bathtub in our flat

last night we picked a random hotel with a bath in Greater London, and now this morning we're going to Harrow

gonna go to regents park and see the cows, and then take the metropolitan line 22 stops to Harrow and get into the tub

a map showing a route from South East London to Harrow. labeled "1 hr 11

I've never taken the maroon length before, it's exciting

it's so long and maroon

we return on Monday to a new city