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    week 1; 2022

    listening to digicore

    I spent most of the week having coronavirus. Yesterday I got a negative lateral flow test so I will be allowed to go outside a week from now. I'm still so tired and full of mucus. I can feel it, so sticky and heavy in my lungs and nose and throat. It feels like it's everywhere. except my belly which contains curry.

    I'm still trying to figure out how to make music, but it may involve more cassette tapes and diving back into the electronic music I made for biiiy on slsk in 2006.

    Christabel came to my door and left a care package of oranges and limes and painkillers when I couldn't go outside. I cried.

    I cried a lot this week. Hormones all over the place from COVID. Maybe it's not covid. Maybe it's not hormones. Did you know that there are baseball teams that have real life dogs as their mascots? There's a baseball team that was voted best stadium experience in South Carolina because after they hit a home run, the labrador does a lap around all the bases. Everybody cheers. Doggy is so popular but doggy doesn't know. One time when one of them retired it was driven around the stadium in a little powered kart and everyone in the stands cheered and clapped for it. doggy doesn't know

    I got a new musical instrument, it's an Arturia Microfreak. It is very pretty and makes strange and wonderful noises.

    Last week I wrote properly for the first time in nearly a decade, hoping I can do more of that.

    Sometimes people who appear to be giving you advice are lying to themselves, telling you something they wish was true about themselves

    I installed Twitter for a few days. But then I pressed "Show more replies" and had to delete it again.

    I'm lonely, but less lonely being alone than the last time I was locked down with someone who'd stopped loving me a year ago.

    I got this lovely 2022 moon calendar https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1141728967/2022-moon-phase-calendar-green. I recommend that you get one as well.

    yeah, I guess not much happened this week because I spent most of it lying on my sofa watching videos on my phone. I need some oxygen.