🐰 chee cherries quiet party

entries from february 2022

Greenwich Mean Time GMT
i need a quintuple martini 
Greenwich Mean Time GMT
hey you know what they say: sometimes you get the goofs and sometimes the goofs
get you 
Greenwich Mean Time GMT

ok i have the goofs

i have got the goofs

Greenwich Mean Time GMT

sometimes you want to scream for the release, the physical and emotional release. the physical feeling of that noise rubbing all over your chest and throat.

sometimes you want to scream so somebody will hear you.

sometimes you wanna scream so everybody will hear you. that's impossible.

Greenwich Mean Time GMT
if you’re bleeding all over the sleeves of your new denim jacket, is that more
of a β€œday off work” scenario or a β€œsoldier on” scenario? 
Greenwich Mean Time GMT
i'm filled with more self-hate than i can remember feeling for a very long time.
i'm dealing with it by ignoring my notifications and archiving my chats. 
Greenwich Mean Time GMT
if you try to contact me and i don’t respond it’s just because i don’t exist