🐰 chee cherries quiet party

entries from march 2022

hora estΓ‘ndar central CST
ok so what ryan gosling does in the movie Drive is not impressive and is just
the regular behaviour of a mexico city taxi driver 
hora estΓ‘ndar central CST
demanding to know where they get the authority to keep me prisoner as i attempt
once again to leave the plane 
hora estΓ‘ndar central CST

if i put on even a millimetre more around the waist i will have to start flying first class

Greenwich Mean Time GMT

i fly in sky

Greenwich Mean Time GMT

stripping half naked in security and having all my items scanned and probed,, it’s at times like this i really wish bush hadn’t done 9/11

Greenwich Mean Time GMT
back home again. tried to go to mexico but it didn’t take. 
Greenwich Mean Time GMT
the first leg of my journey has been a real vibe thief, a points failure at
lewisham. i’ve got on a train and sat down and it has never moved. i’m sitting
in a long room with strangers.