🐰 chee cherries quiet party

entries from 2022

hora de verano central CDT

week 32; 2022


late. can't talk. anyway, i have some notes:

Went out for lunch with Sofia on Monday. We tried a noodle place, but the food looked dry.

We went into another noodle place and sat down, but it smelt funny and looked like a barber shop and the waiter was came on with a real grump so we left and went to a diner and ate delicious club sandwiches and corn soup. She had a slice of cake because she isthe birthday girl. Afterwards I walked home, I’ve done that walk before and this time I took some detours and found a mall and some other stuff.

did some work. now i’m going to pat some patties into existence and smoke a little weed out of a carrot and play tony hawks pro skater

burger king emailed everyone a blank e-mail



made some hamburguesas, had a really weird fucking dream about being on a boat and later aliens. i was on this boat that got stuck in a big river, so i went for a walk with some people around the town. i got separated from them and got lost and found myself in the basement of a tall cylindrical building. i was talking to somebody i knew, but then these angry kids came in and they started chasing me out of the basement and up the cylindrical staircase. there was a fast furious one with hot pans. i threw another one of the kids at the pans and ran up the spiral staircase 1 floor past the door and out the window. outside i met a police wearing a black outfit with a flame painted on it, and i asked himΒ β€œcan anything be done about the 1943 fire here?” and he said β€œno” and i walked away. but then a few steps later i noticed he was right beside me, and he askedΒ β€œwhat do you mean by β€˜be done’?” and i noticed for the first time that he had a perfectly round, perfectly smooth, pitch black head. it was shiny, like glass. i was transported out of my body and shown a historical montage of lots of greenish-grey little aliens with flat wrinkly heads and large black eyes arriving to earth in individual spaceships (ΒΏspacecars?). the policeman was narrating explaining thatΒ The 1943 PactΒ had allowed these aliens to come and work on earth. but the pact was secret and no social programs were installed to help the workers they replaced, and so the workers became furious and that’s how The FireΒ started. a new video came in with an untrustworthy internet personality explaining something about aliens and PFPs (PFPs are your representation here on earth), then they pressed a button labeledΒ β€œevil version of me” and got really monstrous and started shouting in my mindΒ β€œUse this against your PFP, use this against your PFP” over and over and over until i woke up.


Wednesday I woke up at 6am to a clogged, waterlogged toilet. I took a gamble and banged on the flusher and it came up and overflowed all over the bathroom. i placed one square of kitchen paper on the pool of poop and watched as it became soaked, and sunk to the bottom, making no discernible difference. I resorted to using one of our beautiful white towels. I couldn’t find a plunger, and initially i tried making a difference with the toilet brush but it did nothing. Then i felt i needed to check if the pipe was clogged and i pushed my bare hand into the toilet and checked, nothing. I scrubbed up and went looking for a plunger. I found the head of a plunger, but no handle, in the laundry area out the back of the kitchen. I pushed two fingers into the head of the plunger and went into the water sideways down to the bottom, placed my new plunger extension over the hole and plunged once, twice release. once, twice, release. once, twice, and now the water starts to drain. i scrubbed up thoroughly, cleaned the bathroom, brought the towel to the washing machine and scrubbed up thoroughly again and then i went to work.

Someone e-mailed me a feature request for my firefox javascript addon. I added the feature and e-mailed them back. Felt very olden days, very cool.

I’ll make a chili tonight, it’ll be good. i guess maybe it’s bolognese. i don’t know. what’s the difference between chili and bolognese? maybe it’s just whether you use carrot or bell pepper.


sofia made tasty fried eggy πŸ₯š breakfast. fried eggs in corn tortillas. she brought avocados and ketchup but i had already dealt with the egg by the time that arrived.


normal day


a lot more to write about in my forthcoming post about teotihuacan. obsidian circles. spent too much money. on the way home we took to the hotel el sueΓ±o quetzalcΓ³atl, were walking home but spent all night. beautiful there.

(so much to say about all this. lost my pen, man made me a new one with stick and fire. went through a hole that led under the stairs


animal sounds in the middle of the night. dogs saw

woken up there at 5am by this sine tone ringing, so loud, couldn't make it quiet. composition of ordinary things that together are so large. so much more to say. have charcoal notes. we went back to the pyramids. combis, cash, garden, michelady, elotes,

weekend was huge.


British Summer Time GMT+1
anyone know where i can score a pickled egg in mexico city? 
British Summer Time GMT+1
should i be pronouncing `Xcode` "ten code"? 
hora de verano central CDT

cartoon cat drinking from a carton labeled "DUMB BITCH JUICE"


plate of spaghetti

the code

cat's face made of spaghetti

me reading the code
hora de verano central CDT

code that changes together, lives together

indirection is great! one of the best things you can do to look smart is recommend pulling out some shared code and make both sides point at that, this is how i pass job interviews and contribute to meetings i haven't been paying attention to.

it makes the code more complex, but for a good reason.

if you have a program b that consumes data from program a, that is simple:

(data in -> program a -> data out) -> (data in -> program b -> data out

that is great. but later, you learn there is going to be a new program c that consumes data from program a. it might be a swell idea to pull out code that is used in both places into a sharedlib, once you notice they are always changing together.

now you have something more complex! data goes into program a, program a maybe talks to sharedlib before sending it on to program b and program c who both talk to sharedlib. indirection! it takes a little longer to track down where data is being transformed, but you get a benefit in that you can make a change to sharedlib and it will be picked up by the programs without having to make a change to all three.

the idea is to make code that changes together live together.

similarly if you have a bunch of code in repo a and a bunch of code in repo b that requires a PR in both places any time there is a change then it might be good idea to pull code from repo a and repo b into repo shared too. code that changes together, lives together. if you find over time that it's requiring a change to repo a and repo b and repo shared any time you make a change, then maybe you'll want to put all of those in one repo.

however: don't pull things out into shared libraries simply because you believe they may one day be used by other things, wait until you actually need them, wait until you can see it will reduce churn or duplication to separate it. never introduce indirection simply because you believe it may one day reduce duplication. DO REPEAT YOURSELF, until you can see the patterns. do not introduce configuration, shared code, environment variables, overloaded functions, dynamic dispatch, delegation, ..., until you can see that it will make the codebase better.

do not use any indirection at all until it is needed. constantly watch your repos, if there are a lot of examples of two (or more) repos requiring synchronized PRs then either make it one repo or pull the shared concept into a new package that both of the others depend on.

hora de verano central CDT
idea: start screaming never stop 
hora de verano central CDT

force faux bold and oblique website fonts

EDIT this does not work reliably across browsers so ignore all of this

today i found out about a little trick you can use to force the browser to synthesize its own bold and italic for a font, when you really want it to.

i wanted to change my font to be Geneva, to fit with my new Macintosh System 1 inspired theme. it doesn't have bold and italic styles. with web fonts, if they don't have bold and italic styles the browser will go ahead and imagine some. this is something people try to avoid. that's great for Adobe but im different.

i'm not using web fonts (falling back to other fonts on other platforms). it doesn't happen with local fonts, though, so what do we do?

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Geneva';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: normal;
  src: local('Geneva');

that's right! define a web font @font-face whose only src is the local font you want, and state that it only has a "normal" style and weight.

you could also use this to have an alias for your font stack by adding more font names to the src, e.g. "src: local('Geneva'), local('Verdana');" but that's probably an even worse idea than what i'm already doing!

let's go