🐰 chee cherries quiet party

entries from september 2023

British Summer Time GMT+1
bespoke garfields for any occasion

need a garfield who hates thursday but love tagliatele carbanaro? we can help

girlfriend wants a garfield for the big birthday but he has to hate tuesday
loving pine nut pesto farfalle salad? we can make that garflied

what do you get for the man who has everything? wensday-hating su filindeu
eating garlfield

any garfield, any day, any spaghetti 
British Summer Time GMT+1
I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on
this special date, September 11th. 
British Summer Time GMT+1

Let's Play: chee rabbits β€” Week 36; 2023

it is so humid! i'm so wet!

I didn't get any sleep last night, had one of those long nights of solace, long dark teatimes of the soul. I've taken up a fitness regime and given up alcohol. I'll be counting calories for the first time since that was an eating disorder. Good times, good times. Was meant to be meeting someone tonight, but I've been the biggest flake since I got back from Portugal. So many unanswered e-mails, so many unattended events.

There's another tomorrow.

You know, it being 9/11 tomorrow means my lease expired today. I no longer have a lease. What fun.

An out of the blue e-mail from a stranger on the subject of the 1996 PF Magic alien pet simulator Oddballz arrived in my inbox. I stumbled across a video made 17 years ago by somebody who is in their mid 30s now, and it made me laugh so much that I tracked them down on LinkedIn to say thank you. They said it made their day. Keanu Reeves is DMing me on Instagram. He wants to know where I live, and to thank me for being a fan. He keeps calling me "Rabbits". According to a website about scams this means I've fallen into the category of "unwitting older women".

In my previous post I referenced the maize incident. My notes for today's post instruct me to write the maize incident. I'm not ready, it's still too near. There's another note here that says "desperate to be told i have moxie". Yet another says "i will die by gunshot woundβ€”self inflicted"

Today I tidied my apartment and threw away old things in the kitchen and cleared the living area and set up VR and played Beat Saber which is a lot of fun. A rhythm game. A whole body workout. Dance around and hit stuff in time with music.

There are a bunch of studies about why the people of hot countries tend to eat spicier food. They all either come to no conclusion or try on some silly Darwinian explanation. I think it's more straightforward. It's natural to balance your insides with your outsides. That's why it's good to eat hot food in the heat and drink iced coffee in the winter.

It's interesting, though, that the places on earth where the angle of the sun makes people most vitamin D are the natural home of peppercorns and chili peppers. Joyful equatorial life pushes into the earth and comes out spicy. It's very pokΓ©mon.

Most of my hair is gone. It was bothering me, the way it looked at the back, so I chopped most of it off with the kitchen scissors. I miss my hair now, it took a long time for it to grow. I don't regret it, but I miss it.

I've been reading the final tweets by dead celebrities. Gene Wilder "had a fruit salad as a mid-morning snack" and never came back. "What the crap is a sharknado?" asked Cory Monteith, "Oh. It's a SHARK TORNADO." He died the next day of a drug overdose. "oinka oinka oinka why are you awake" said Amy Winehouse.

OK, it's time for me to continue dancing in the dark.

Thanks. Sorry. Thanks.

British Summer Time GMT+1


a hoarding with a bunch of posters saying no pride without trans pride

the time is now the world will change the love we have is here to stay i don’t care what you know now you know i have skillsthe time is now the world will change the life we have is here to stay


British Summer Time GMT+1

anger stress and secrets they won't break you wake up put aside you're feeling nothing freely speed up landing stepping jumping jumper anger stress and secrets they won't break you wake up put aside you're feeling nothing freely speed up landing stepping jumping jumper anger stress and secrets they won't break you wake up put aside you're feeling nothing freely speed up landing stepping jumping jumper anger stress and secrets they won't break you wake up put aside you're feeling nothing freely speed up landing stepping jumping jumper anger stress and secrets they won't break you wake up put aside you're feeling nothing freely speed up landing stepping jumping jumperanger stress and secrets they won't break you wake up put aside you're feeling nothing freely speed up landing stepping jumping jumperο½ο½Žο½‡ο½…ο½’γ€€ο½“ο½”ο½’ο½…ο½“ο½“γ€€ο½ο½Žο½„γ€€ο½“ο½…ο½ƒο½’ο½…ο½”ο½“γ€€ο½”ο½ˆο½…ο½™γ€€ο½—ο½ο½ŽοΌ‡ο½”γ€€ο½‚ο½’ο½…ο½ο½‹γ€€ο½™ο½ο½•γ€€wο½ο½‹ο½…γ€€ο½•ο½γ€€ο½ο½•ο½”γ€€ο½ο½“ο½‰ο½„ο½…γ€€ο½™ο½ο½•οΌ‡ο½’ο½…γ€€ο½†ο½…ο½…ο½Œο½‰ο½Žο½‡γ€€ο½Žο½ο½”ο½ˆο½‰ο½Žο½‡γ€€ο½†ο½’ο½…ο½…ο½Œο½™γ€€ο½“ο½ο½…ο½…ο½„γ€€ο½•ο½γ€€ο½Œο½ο½Žο½„ο½‰ο½Žο½‡γ€€ο½“ο½”ο½…ο½ο½ο½‰ο½Žο½‡γ€€ο½Šο½•ο½ο½ο½‰ο½Žο½‡γ€€ο½Šο½•ο½ο½ο½…ο½’anger stress and secrets they won't break you wake up put aside you're feeling nothing freely speed up landing stepping jumping jumperanger stress and secrets they won't break you wake up put aside you're feeling nothing freely speed up landing stepping jumping jumper


British Summer Time GMT+1


Whoops, completely forgot it was a Sunday.

I've got memories and I can't wash them off, all over me, smell them on my skin.

Had a strange pair of interactions on Thursday when I was on my trip to the Quick Shopping to return my faulty TP-7 to the Swedes. Dude walks up to me at the pelican crossing, meal-deal-sized bottle of wine in his hand, nearly empty. Says hello. He's early thirties, scruffy looking. Oversized green parka, grey pants.

"Hello," he says, "smoking a cigarette?"

My earbuds are in, can't hear him properly, just "*muffle muffle* cigarette?" think maybe he wants one, I pause the sound. "Pardon?"

"Smoking a cigarette?"


"First one?"

"Like... ever?"

He laughs. "Nah, this morning."

"Oh yeah! yes."

Now, with some bravado in his stance and in the tone of his voice he declares: "Not me. I'm on my third."

A woman scurries up with a dog in tow.

She says β€œI hope he wasn’t rude to you, was he?”

I hesitate, "um... no. Not rude. Not sure... what he was ...to me"

She looks me up and down, "I like it when people are ... ... individuals."

She pauses for a while before adding "I hate people like that." She gestures towards the fellow who's now a fair clip down the footpath on the other side. The light turns green. I tell her "he was quite friendly I think" and I wave at the little dog. Suddenly raising her voice as we cross together she says "I mean...! Look at me! I'm wearing red trousers and green earrings."

I smile, I look at her, her earrings are ultramarine blue.

There's nothing else really to report. I haven't left the house otherwise. Haven't been in the kitchen since the maggots-in-the-masa-harina incident. Spent most of the week installing and reinstalling Linux and Windows on my PC.

Anyone know of any synchronous MUD software? Like for running synchronous text-based group adventures. Perhaps with persistent characters and history? I guess any MUD software could be used for the purpose.

British Summer Time GMT+1
"tweet" is the general term. it means a short post or "microblog entry". this is
a tweet on chee.party, that is a tweet on bluesky, you saw a tweet on x.com,
they tweet about it on mastodon.