viewing a flat in Beckenham. the area is quite nice. it's what London is like in
Hollywood movies starring skinny girls.
• 1 red telephone box,
• street lined sparsely with trees,
• a few wee local shops with wee local names,
• a pub that has chosen muddy chartreuse as its entire colour pallette the
apartment itself, I think, is up too many stairs; the building smells really
weird, and the bathroom has rust and age but it's affordable, in a nice place,
the front door of the place opens into the patio of a Spanish restaurant, but it
has so many stairs and they are tight and dark and old and dirty and creaky, and
the place looked damp, and the place smelt damp maybe for six months it would be
August 22, 2021
- sleepy
- sleepy
- finally watched Derry Girls. watched the whole thing in one day. then watched it all again.
- it's much easier to look after someone else than to look after me. making sure somebody else gets good sleep and has tasty healthy meals to eat means reaping the side benefits of healthy meals a sleep schedule. now i don't have that, i'm up til 3am watching x-files and eating deliveroo
- x-files is actually far too spooky for me, and leaves me in a spooked out place where i have to use the second lock on the front door. normally i only use that before i shower
- when i'm alone and sad i watch a lot of tv lol
- the new MST3k is great
- i still haven't bought shoes, it's been 3 weeks now lol
- i've just been packing packing packing and crying and crying
- starting to consider having someone take all the boxes to the dump instead
- still have no idea what my life looks like 1 month from now
- going to go and try to buy shoes today
- sorry, i'll be back to happy posting by the end of the year i promise
I don't like the taste of IPAs. But I do like that people don't stare at you
when for opening one in the street, the way they do if you open a Stella or a
Guinness. the bitter taste of hops is the bitter taste of classism i deserve it
Struggle Session IPA
i'm not in a good place be maudlin but these days even when I'm having a nightmare I'm
disappointed when I wake up
fella called Pat just walked up to me in a park and started telling me about how
he was a jockey.
in 77 he lost 7.6 stone and raced the County Christo (?)
he has photographs
he told me he was related to the Taoiseach
"sleeping in the park? sure we're all prime ministers"
he asked me if i'd rather a cider or a lager and he'd get it and come back and
meet me.
i told him i'll have to go here, Pat and he asked me my name and i said chee. 5
minutes later he said "who are you" and i said "chee" and he said "aye i've
heard of you"
august sunday 15
- i took 4 days holiday, but then i was sick all week, chest infection
- saw a nice flat in sevenoaks, but i didn't get it
- went to a rave
- went to a reggae night
- i wish i wasn't the kind of person that had to be proud to have done the dishes
- but who will tuck me in and read me the winnie pooh
- in season2 ep9 of sopranos pussy says "positive vibes only"
- aj soprano, a youtuber, and meadow soprano have a podcast together