hello darling!!!
ok. i didn't take notes this week so i'm a little light on info. i spent a lot
of the week working on programming projects (work,
etc) and learning languages (zig, go,
deno). sofia finished the last essay for her diplomat. she
did rly well, i'm proud of her. i'm gonna need to start starting work later,
because i keep falling asleep so late and waking up so early. also thinking
maybe i should take a couple days holiday to live in the city a little more.
i got a little sick again this week. i get sick a lot ever since getting the
diabetes. i think maybe i let my blood sugar get too high and became a breeding
ground for all mystery viruses. i ate cherries and drank tea and started to feel
better on Saturday, which was lucky for it is Sofia's birthday weekend.
i made a new theme for my blog which focuses on readability and is inspired by
the web design of my friend's blog in 2002.
we didn't manage to go to the frida kahlo museum. it's ticket-only and was sold
out :-(
saturday we went to plaza toreo to get cute clothes and boots. we ate at a
restaurant called perros & burros, which we were skeptical of but turned out to
be delicioso. maybe we will go back and get one of their 4 foot long hot dogs. i
drank 2 litres of beer with our delicious fajita lunch and took some very pretty
pictures of the birthday girl. we shopped for clothes, i got some nice new
shirts and a pair of slip-ons from vans. we bought matching shits the colour of
frida kahlo's house. we got some (a lot) of
weed from a nice chap, and went
home and drank beer and smoked weed from a pipe the birthday girl fashioned from
a carrot and we talked and laughed and watched half of a movie and fell asleep.
Sunday we played some Mario Kart, spend a while trying to work out what the
lyrics of the last verse of The Pogues - Fiesta is actually trying to say
(using her native spanish and my native ability to understand shane macgowan
when he talks), then we went to a big park and walked for a while, then to a
place for burritos and margaritas, and then to walmart for groceries, and then
home. she has left now to visit her cats.
in mexico you don't get any vacation time until you've worked at a job for 1
what programming languages can be used in embedded devices? c, c++, micropython,
circuitpython, tinygo, zig, rust, ulisp... are there others? anyway i'm a sleepy
little bitch and need to go now. xx love you, see you in the pyramids.
oh, p.s., i added more features to partyfingerd
so you can now use the
userpart to ask for a specific post. for example, this post can be read by
running finger week-31-2022@chee.party
2.5.5. Vending machines
Vending machines SHOULD respond to a {C} request with a list of all items
currently available for purchase and possible consumption. Vending machines
SHOULD respond to a {U}{C} request with a detailed count or list of the
particular product or product slot. Vending machines should NEVER NEVER EVER
eat money.