🐰 chee cherries quiet party

entries from november 2021

Greenwich Mean Time GMT

🧱 stay humble

#bringBackEarth2 #earth3 #zeroIsAHero

Greenwich Mean Time GMT


  • feliz domingo!!
  • went out tonight for dinner, it was lovely! pero,
    • it was the first time i've spent time sober with anyone since july
    • i found myself sitting waiting on the exact spot on a bench outside whitechapel i sat waiting in july
      • and then attending the same gallery as i did in july
        • the same exhibition
          • anyway i feel really weird
Greenwich Mean Time GMT
she is so funny 
Greenwich Mean Time GMT

cute little taco area

i love to make a cute little taco area

i am alone, and have no reason to do this

but i love to

Greenwich Mean Time GMT

2021-11-21 | me piro, vampiro

  • i dyed
  • my hair vampire red
    • i tried to go cotton candy pink first, but i think the cotton candy pink i got was fake.
      • conspicuous behaviours:
        • foamed up way too much, as if it was just pink conditioner
        • did not dye my hands or face skin, which is weird for manic panic
        • when i went to rinse it out with cold water it out it foamed up even more, which is not something manic panic tends to do
        • ran clear immediately at rinsing stage
        • did not dye my hair
      • compare to the vampire red i applied next:
        • did not foam up
        • dyed my entire face and hands and also my entire house almost immediately after being opened
        • did not foam up when being rinsed out
        • never ran completely clear even after being run under cold water for twenty minutes (it still hasn't run clear after several showers and a bath)
        • dyed my hair

  • don't worry about the panda. their name is pizza dog
  • jaja con jota
  • today i went to 7 shops trying to find coriander
    • there is no coriander in blackheath
  • we had a guest team member for a couple of weeks and it was a joy
  • ok, i have to make some music and some tacos see ya
Greenwich Mean Time GMT
you ever go to sleep but you don't? and then you're just hanging out there? in