fight nearly broke out in the Simply Food about if the Wispa is part of the meal
deal god bless the hero who scanned it, to "see what the computer says"
here's a time capsule.
The CC BY-NC-SA version of Cory Doctorow's 2008 book Little Brother featured dedications to bookstores at the start of each chapter. The second chapter starts with a dedication to
This chapter is dedicated to, the largest Internet bookseller in the world.
Amazon is amazing— a "store" where you can get practically any book ever published (along with practically everything else, from laptops to cheese-graters), where they've elevated recommendations to a high art, where they allow customers to directly communicate with each other, where they are constantly invented new and better ways of connecting books with readers.
Amazon has always treated me like gold — the founder, Jeff Bezos, even posted a reader-review for my first novel! — and I shop there like crazy (looking at my spreadsheets, it appears that I buy something from Amazon approximately every six days).
Amazon's in the process of reinventing what it means to be a bookstore in the twenty-first century and I can't think of a better group of people to be facing down that thorny set of problems.
Cory Doctorow
can't sleep. lying on the sofa thinking about electromagnets.
let's start a radio station
Sunday, 2021-10-24
- eating a beyond burger
- do you think we ever would have figured out we could do this with vegetables if we'd never eaten meat?
- probably not, right?
- so, question: what else can we do with vegetables ??
- probably not, right?
- it's fucked up people invented bread though
- sometimes if you talk to a vegan about beyond burgers they will stare at you with wide open eyes and a chilling smile and say "IT BLEEDS"
- do you think we ever would have figured out we could do this with vegetables if we'd never eaten meat?
- i've been sick most of the week. also my blood sugar has been really high and has been melting the roof of my mouth. starting to feel better today
- i'm making a little usb midi lfo device
- currently implementing the bpm-synced sin function, which is much harder without a little math man about the house
- i don't know if i have anything else to report
- ATB's 9pm (til i come) was playing in Lewisham shopping center when i was leaving yesterday.
- second single i ever bought
- it came in a cardboard sleeve with a sticker saying "HMV Import"
- i bought it in the upstairs of a mall in Northern Ireland that I have never been to again, and have no idea where it is
- that was also the first time i saw the cover of Nirvana's Nevermind
- the first single i bought was Flat Beat by Mr Oizo.
- got that in woolies
- ricky martin's livin la vida loca was the first #1 single to be fully made in a DAW
- when i was having absolutely lysergic sit on a bench in battersea park last week, i realized i'd been drunk since July so i took a break for a week
- i have a spot on my right areola. it looks and feels like a third nipple
- thanks
the biggest impact of NFTs is everyone uses the word "fungible" now
music nook
I woke up at 2:30am and couldn't get back to sleep, so i put some work into my music nook
- at the bottom there, in the snake pit, that orange light is a Zoom G1Xon
effects pedal.
- the output runs up onto the table
- there is an input jack running up onto the table too
- there's another (fender tweed!) jack down there to swap in a guitar
- up on the desk:
- op-1
- op-z
- 3 pocket operators
- a Novation Mininova (it's up against the back because it will be driven with midi)
- it's all plugged into a passive mixer (for now), which is in turn plugged into a stereo Blackstar amp