why would you buy glasses when they give them out in bars
week 36; 2022
it's a year today since i moved into this apartment. or, started moving in.
this week i went to get my eyes checked at spec savers. turns out my eyes are the wrong shape, that's why i've always seen those stars when i look at lights. i have a prescription now, but haven't looked at glasses yet. i wasn't feeling cute on the day, so couldn't stand there looking at my face 50 times. great news is they don't think my eyes have yet succumb to diabetic retinopathy.
i released big waterfall as an e.p., it's on spotify and apple music and deezer and whatnot. enjoy.
the queen died. crazy frog is in mourning.
i'm very sleepy.
yesterday my postman came to the door to deliver a package, he was listening to music out loud on his phone. The Smiths. i started laughing and said "the queen is dead?" and then we both stood there laughing for a while.
don't know what else. i've just been working and making music, and occasionally watching a movie.
the queen died. the crazy frog is in mourning.
happy 9/11
fucking me up to hear about the death of Pat Stay. stabbed to death breaking up a fight at a bar. what the hell
look at you go
has the world changed or have i changed?
weak 35; 2022
- for cat's sake get big-hearted and smart, lazy legs
- took a little damage to my pride this morning
- spent the week working on the app and making music
- not so long ago in this very publication i learnt the lesson that it's always better to go out than to stay in if there is an option. this week i learned the new lesson that going out for the sake of going out does not count as "an option"
- computer programming is not an engineering discipline. if engineers worked the way computer programmer work everybody in the world would be dead. computer programming is arts and crafts (that's a compliment)
- on thursday night i couldn't sleep at all, but on friday i worked, on friday night i went and haunted peckham like a ghost then headed to fox & firkin to check if they had plug sockets next to the table. ended up making friends with some nice people sitting at a table next to me and then at one point i was in a graveyard and then at their house and then i walked home
- my playdate arrived! the little nanoloop clone i made on the aeroplane in april works!
- on saturday evening sofia and i watched the 1943 movie Scarlet Street and then i slept
- today i'm making some music, drinking some water, making some coffee, drinking some coffee
i wonder how different the world would look if 1 in 100 people didn’t need to pee
week 34; 2022
can you believe it's alrightedly Snuday?
don't think i mentioned last week that Morelia smells like seaweed. it's nowhere near the sea. what's going on? do lagoons smell like seaweed? did i talk about taking a boat to the island of janitzio or the man who looked like he was here to fix your computer turning up and singing from the belly so loud with opera vibrato? don't let me get away with not posting about last weekend and last last weekend with photies.
el tigre Tonio says something like "you will make a tiger of yourself" which is very different from tony's "great"
anyway, you heard about how i missed my flight. we had one last lunch and i walked home through so much CDMX. walked past the gas station i peed and waved through the window in April, the park where we collected the cute stickers in May, the hamburger stand a whole street of electronics and music and lighting shops, el baño cerca Zocalo, the first hotel (CASTROPOL) i stayed at on my first trip (there i caught a taxi to the aeropuerto).
the week has been poor sleep and working and working on my mac app (which is going very well! i just added media backlinks to annotations yesterday evening). i seem to be a little ill now? i can't tell if i'm ill or if it is hayfever caused by the beautiful lillies becky left in my apartment when she moved out. if i'm ill it means i've been getting ill every 2 weeks for 8 weeks now, which is possibly grounds for concern. eh. i'll die when i'm dead.
today i'm drinking tequila out of a cucumber and writing more code for my app. mostly debugging right now, couple of race conditions related to folders. first one appears to be a SwiftUI bug where there's a fatal crash if you remove the last disclosuregroup
from a list
otherwise i'm also making a lil music and migrating my blog to a new server, leaving everything else to fade away.
p.s. it will be temporarily impossible to finger for content during the move