🐰 chee cherries quiet party
British Summer Time GMT+1

uap report

British Summer Time GMT+1
my bones are crunchy and soft, my eyes are sticky, feeling good (though, dry --
i drank a glass of water and it soaked in like i was a soil bed and nothing

i have to water a plant today, and abe has that thing at twelve, and i have a
meeting at 2p.m.

then i can return to the earth 
British Summer Time GMT+1
lol someone just walked up to me in Costa and said

>        YOU.
>        ARE.
>      CREATING.

then laughed heartily and walked away 
British Summer Time GMT+1

sunday, june 20th 2021

  • on Monday we went to Hyde Park and Green Park and worked on the grass
  • Metformin is the first thing I've identified as responsible for painful shits and then continued eating it twice a day
  • it's been so hot and unpleasant, but that Sun Light is good strong stuff
  • On Wednesday, Abe went to a party and I lay in bed in the terrible wet heat unable to sleep
    • ended up cooking a chili at 3am and watching Oliver Stones W and Nixon and also the 90s classic She's All That
    • the movie She's All That contains an unexpectedly long choreographed dance to Funk Soul Brother by Alice Bartlett's barista
  • Yesterday I made an Atari Punk Console from a kit
  • today is the 3rd anniversary of Unpleasant Cultural Shift

screengrab of freddie prinze jr. in She's All That smiling beside a framed photograph of himself smiling

Freddie Prinze Jr. retweeting himself

photo of tails from sonic the hedgehog excitedly smiling beside a sign depicting tails from sonic the hedgehog smiling and giving a thumbs up

tails retweeting themself

when i'm on my death bed maybe i'd like to be shot and killed by charlie sheen while tiesto's adagio for strings plays in the background. maybe i can arrange that through cameo.com

British Summer Time GMT+1
proud of everyone i know for practicing self-care by arranging me into the
background of their friendscape 
British Summer Time GMT+1
if you have any boondoggles I could get in on, lmk in the comments
British Summer Time GMT+1

Sunday, June 13th, 2021

  • I got my first shot of Pfizer's on Monday
    • the road to to vaccination was like a little treasure hunt
      • covid-19 vaccination signs from denmark hill all the way to a small building hidden out the back
    • after the vaccine we were given a piece of paper, about 1cm by 2cm, with a time written on it. i was told "Find an empty seat without paper on it, and when you leave put the paper on the seat," before being seen into a room of chairs laid out in a checkerboard pattern
  • The vaccine really beat me up, and I had a few days off work with a sore arm and some flu symptoms
    • my immune system is already a huge mess and doesn't need any encouragement
    • it kind of felt like when you get high for four days by eating a whole nutmeg
  • I've started working on a second UFO album, this one is called 🛸 I WANT TO LEAVE 🛸
  • i got my laptop back from lenovo. they replaced the top and all my stickers are gone, including many hand-made ones and a shiny PARTY HARD sticker
  • apart from that I've been playing fortnite, going for walks, drinking dry martinis (straight gin)
  • have a good day