Greenwich Mean Time GMT

week 49 of 2023


look at the week, forty-nine. very nearly the end. i got sick this week, punishment for going into the office last week. it wasn't a particular tough sickness but because i've been being healthy it felt so unfair. normally when i get sick i'm like "yeah, that tracks" because my body is a satanic temple but this time it felt like there was no god. i spent the first few days of it accidentally working with the sick emoji status and texting people to ask them to pity me more. i made a tasty spicy spicy paneer tomato cream curry which partially fixed me, but the main pharmaceutical was pity. i can't believe how little pity i received as i lay there DYING of an extremely mild flu that i was mostly able to work through and ignore. heartless bastards, every last all of you.

i've been making a bit of music with various swedish rectangles. been practising chord changes and scales on the keyboard like i did when i was a teenager to try and get more cozy with the keys so i can talk through it more like i can with a guitar. after the great success of「ANTICIPATION」 i am gazing doe-eyed into the imagined future where i lock myself away in some faraway hotel room with just the op-1 and perform the transmutation stella signata, lucifer, boiling milk + chrysopoeia.

on saturday i met a friend for her birthday. remembering christabel's rule that "if you're the birthday girl + someone doesn't bring you a gift, that means they ARE the gift," i brought nothing at all. it was a lovely time, we walked around in the freezing cold from lewisham to the heath and talked and talked and i drank a shot of tequila at the railway pub which was very loud and busy and christmas. on saturday evening i took a train to london bridge and met a couple of colleagues at the market porter where i drank 3 more shots of tequila. one of the colleagues invited us to hang out at their place and so we went back and we watched the movie wall street and i drank 3 or 4 sips of white wine and ate 5 nuts and two cheeses.

i'm experimenting now to see if it is possible to introduce some alcohol sometimes on special occasions without completely losing track of my otherwise strict health regiment. my limit is 4 shots of tequila OR 4 corona hard seltzers. if i find it making me lax i'll have to cut it all the way out again, we'll see.

Sunday i spent a warm and cozy morning resting. in the afternoon i went to greenwich market with a dear friend. we did a little shopping + had a fabulous turkish lunch. when the sun fell we crossed underground through a hole in the thames, and we walked a while along the river and we talked and talked before we parted ways and headed home.

i got a map of the world to stick on my wall. the listing said "huge" but i didn't really consider that over 2 metres means it's much longer than me.

It's basically actual size.

extremely long

i just finished hanging it in the kitchen where it imposes itself upon me

now i can point at countries where war is about to break out while making eggs

and learn that these are all actually different countries???

merry crincemince it's me caroline the christmas crow deer good tidings and happy hannakuh to my deerly behovèd friends and lovers

big week ahead:. dia de la virgen de guadalupe tuesday. acadian rememberance day on weds. die hard on thurs. and then the last day of chanukah.

every day i seem to become more annoying, yet i enjoy myself also more.

text me!

Greenwich Mean Time GMT
the unending battle of my two great loves: doing things, and not doing anything at all
Greenwich Mean Time GMT

week 48 of 2023

going to the office three times in a week is very ensleepyifying.

honorary harlem globetrotter heinz kissinger died at the age of 1 century. sadly, we lost poor old shane too. poor old shane. Kent may never produce a better irish poet.

on Thursday night i was meant to see to underscores at heaven. but once i got there, it seemed so tight, and there was a threshold guardian i didn't have the power to defeat so i decided to go home and eat my first meal of the day instead. on the train home i listened to lily's cryptid radio show on edinburgh student radio and at the end she played a quiet party song which was profoundly fulfilling. lily is very good on the radio, very engaging.

i attended to an invitation to my colleague's house to watch the movie wall street. we never watched the movie, i met her brother, we sat on the couch and talked, it was a lovely evening. in the morning we smoked cigarettes in bed like french teenagers and then i took the dlr home. on saturday i slept from 7p.m. until sunday's 7a.m.

and this is where we are now: it's sunday now and i feel gross. i have a couple of days off work coming up. i'm tired. thinking of starting a monopoly. everything is what it is.

Sunday improved as it continued, and then I started thinking about software design process and practice and how nice it would be to be able to be part of it.

tomorrow a swedish rectangle might arrive, which will be nice.

good night, have a good week, sorry about the weird dreams.

Greenwich Mean Time GMT

woke up suddenly in the middle of the night and it turns out kissinger died

goodbye heinz you awful bastard

Greenwich Mean Time GMT

week 47 2023

hello, treasure.

i wrote + recorded + released a new quiet party e.p. this week. it's 3 tracks. w/ singing! it's rly good. it'll be on spotify etc over the next couple days but it's already on bandcamp. it's called 「ANTICIPATION」.

quiet party anicipation album cover. photo of chee

it's really good, i hope you enjoy it. btw did you know that you can use quiet party music in your instagram stories + reels and on tiktok? wow!

that's really all this week has been about. on tuesday i went to the office so i could go out for an ice cold glass of pepsi max with a colleague who i find to be very sweet. we were very funny.

tuesday morning i wrote and recorded "track 2: + explode". tuesday evening i wrote "track 3: close to u" on my walk home. wednesday morning i woke up and recorded "track 1: anticipation" and then that evening i recorded "close to u". they were all made entirely on the op-1, though "close to u" was mixed a lil afterwards on computer.

op-1, tp-7, sunglasses and a sakura grape lost mary

all u need to make a hit

ummmmmmmmmmmm is there anything else? the short ceasefire is holding... zeezy is back from cairo....... kara is remixing "close to u"...... if anyone else would like to make a remix of any of the tracks lmk i will send all the stems + then it can go on the forthcoming remixes release of 「ANTICIPATION」 + we can share the 1 penny we get from spotify across 4 years:)

saturday i suffered some post-release depression and did not leave bed but i did eat an entire burrata. i guess i had all my nice emotions turned up to 11 for a few days trying to capture them like a camera captures light + then they all left my body at once. emotional overdraft like mdma. i've written a few more songs now. might get something else out before the end of the year, texas school book depository is coming to a close. ummmmmmmmmm

idk! i'm moving teams at work in the new year. my new boss is v excited. im excited too.

still getting up at 5am, still vegetarian, still keto. nothing more to report. i've made some coffee and it smells good. not as good as if it was made in lb's orange moccamaster, but fine.

okay, i hope you are doing well and keeping safe. take this it's dangerous to go alone.