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  • British Summer Time GMT+1


    The default application created when you start a New Multiplatform App project with Xcode is one the all time greatest pieces of art.

    When you first run it, you see this:

    An application with a sidebar, a plus icon and a preview pane with the text "Select an item"

    Select an item

    It invites me to Select an item, but there are no items. What now?

    Ay, I'll press that βž•.

    Same view as before, with a new date time entry in the sidebar

    An item!

    Fantastic! An item! I look forward to selecting it.

    The same view with the item selected in the sidebar. The preview pane now shows "Item at 23/06/22 10:44:59"

    There it is

    Ay, there it is

    My item

    The same view with many more entries in the sidebar.

    I can have as many items as I like.

    During setup I selected Core Data and CloudKit, so my items are synced across all my devices and are available wherever I need them.

    This is the perfect application. Any time I have an idea, or see an article I'd like to read later, I will create an item representing it in my Application.


    British Summer Time GMT+1




    British Summer Time GMT+1

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    British Summer Time GMT+1

    double negatives are a myth

    and i don’t want nothing to do with them

    British Summer Time GMT+1
    i'm gonna need andrew w.k. to come back