🐰 chee cherries quiet party
Greenwich Mean Time GMT

drive safe today


drive safe today !

this one is a javascript canvas with cars driving down. the cars were drawn on paper and then photographed

one of the cars drawn on paper

the photographed of the drawing in my notebook is what's rendered on screen

the physics was very hard; i am not very good at mathematics. sometimes it messes up very funny. also the longer you run it the more chaotic it gets.

unintentional funny physics

please enjoy! the music was made on op-1 field and touched up a little in Bitwig.

underneath the purple sun

Greenwich Mean Time GMT

CGA Palettes for Pixelmator Pro

in case you ever need them, here is a Pixelmator Pro palette made up of the 4 BIOS Mode 4 and the 2 undocumented BIOS Mode 5 CGA Palettes available in graphics mode at 320×200.

CGA Palettes

Greenwich Mean Time GMT
2023: year of the website 
Greenwich Mean Time GMT

week 52; 2022

what a fine year!

in Scotland the 2nd of January is a holiday called "2nd of January". because New Years Day falls on a Sunday this year, the new years day holiday is Monday and the 2nd of January falls on 3rd of January in Scotland.

i've been in incredible form today, so for my future self reading this: week 50 really does work!

this week i was off sick most of the time, but i did get some good work done on Friday.

live footage of the events of midnight 2022/2023

for my new years celebration, i woke up at 8am and ate some mushrooms and had a bath. then i lay around thinking about stuff for a while. once i could operate my body again, i started tidying my apartment. i spent most of rest of the day cleaning and tidying. and i fixed the leak from the washing machine! which is great. at about 11:45p.m. i drew myself another bath. a CBD bath bomb from Lush. then i got a big chunk of vintage cheddar (the tickler) and lay in the bath eating cheese and vibrating until the new year had come. it will be chinese year of the rabbit. i drew my yearly tarot, the tarot agrees it will be a good year.

i'm relaunching today on this domain, doing it by myself this time. look forward to those! there's no atom feed for it (yet?), but i'll post here when i make new ones. the first one is up, i like it.

let's do art on-line, on websites, together! art that is websites. remember when you used to have to find a specific pixeL?

thanks for being around this year.

2023 is gonna be a banger.

Greenwich Mean Time GMT
The phrase "nothing new under the sun" traces back to Solomon writing in the
Book of Ecclesiastes. It's my opinion that there have been some ideas since the
10th century BC. 
Greenwich Mean Time GMT
night-time, daytime, sunshine, blood 
Greenwich Mean Time GMT

week 51; 2022

Merry Christmas!

I'm still sick! It's gross!!! weird goo!!!!! from my chest!!!!!! texture of grated carrots in cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm doing a low-carb diet until March, which also probably means no alcohol for a while.

In late 2017, a low-carb diet was an eating disorder for me. My body weight dropped by half in a crazy short period of time doing keto and starving myself eating chemicals for dinner. It wasn't healthy, it was bad for my mind. Hoping I could disconnect my self worth from my size, I let myself gain weight again and stopped thinking about it. Then my hands and feet started tingling. I started seeing rainbows in the white light from lightbulbs. I got diagnosed with diabetes. Knowing I'd given myself a chronic disease by getting fat tested my self esteem.

Some early studies were showing signs that you could reverse diabetes with a diet that helps burn fat and sugar build up around the liver. Low-carb diets. Essentially the same diet that morphed into the eating disorder that I was trying to recover from when I got diabetes. This was not something I could navigate mentally or spiritually at the time. Recently, though, well... i haven't felt lonely for months; i've got that amour de soi; i don't want for anything emotionally; comfortable with myself; confident; happy. And more studies have been done, 12 weeks low-carb can put it into remission. 12 weeks! That's nothing! I deprive myself of things in private for months just for fun all the time.

I'd like to take this moment while I have your attention to recommend that you get off Twitter, don't tweet, avoid reading tweets. And i don't mean go to Mastodon, don't do that either. It's the same but worse. I'm begging you, for your health, for everyone's health. I implore you. Do whatever you need to. Act like avoiding twitter is your job, track your progress if you need to. Delete the apps, the tiktok, the instagram, the rest of them. Avoid nutrient-poor culture. Join a magic order, join a club, go to the cinema, go to the pub, read sci fi, draw a picture. I'm not saying "log off", the internet is great and really cool, but don't you want to be around the people you love? talk to people who understand you, love you, know you? rather than a world of trolls and scolds and the impulse to say the worst thing you can imagine because that's what gets the most reward? Social media is a high school we never leave.

Merry Christmas!

I'm going to get super high and watch movies now. Maybe i'll play a video game later. And I'll definitely be going for a classic Christmas walk.

i love you, good bye, see you next year xo