week 32 of 2024
do you like water?
slurp slurp.
this week there were various events. hang on, let me get the tequila. we're having Soho House Picantes. by we i mean you and me. here is yours. it's that time of the year when there are horrible little flies everywhere, and those big curious fellas too who have something to say about everything. buzz buzz buzz.
work has been fine. but, uncertain horizons. we will see what happens next. and what happens after what happens next.
a few nights ago an old friend came over and we sat on the ground against the wall of the church and cried a little about this and that.
there hasn't been much of anything but a little tequila here and there, some snacks, and writing a whole bunch of code. and reading a lot too. reading a lot of code. have you seen this thing? https://movablefeastmachine.org
- txt.chee.party
- a (what's a word for when something has less than minimal?) collaborative markdown editor
- worldwideweb.chee.party
- also a collaborative editor
- but with some service worker fun so you can import files (html, css, and js) from other pages you've made
- any page you send someone they can also edit as long as they have a # key
- it's straightforward but hard to explain
- warning also that page may well have changed between my posting it and
you're reading it because anyone can edit it by putting a
before the path - maybe the readme would help
- or this footnote[1]
- automerge-repo-solid-primitives
- couple other things too
- general mischief
at some point i need to do any or all of these:
- wash
- drink water
- eat a healthy meal
- go outside
an old friend came over last night and we had a good chat and i'm a little more optimistic about the future. by future i mean the next couple of weeks.
some time i hope to make music again, but it seems impossible right now. but i know from having lived a long time the illusion of continuity. it seems unimaginable now. but later i'll be doing it, and unable to imagine a time when i wouldn't.
the sun sets at 8:29p.m.
i— it's actually not very much but it's kinda tricky to explain.
ok so. when you go to a url, it installs a service-worker that intercepts all page requests that have a path in them.
it takes a path like like /
it takes the$id
as a document url and$ext
as an indicator of the correctcontent-type
it sneakily loads the document called
from the Automerge* storage and then returns thatif there is no path, then it will interpret anything after a
the same way, but instead load you an editor for that file!so with these two things together:
you can make pages, scripts, stylesheets and reference them from each other
<script src=/$id.js and share them with peopel
but also anyone with the URL to see it can also edit it by putting a # in front of the path
so that page above is https://worldwideweb.chee.party/3oM1kJ39NMMUKBw3WqEH5g9NR5R2.html and/but the editor for it is https://worldwideweb.chee.party/#3oM1kJ39NMMUKBw3WqEH5g9NR5R2.html
the editors are also collaborative so everyone on the editor for a certain file can see everybody else making changes to it in realtime so not only can anybody edit a page you send them.... everybody can edit every page together