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  • Greenwich Mean Time GMT

    2023 w1

    things are great. still trying to understand my blood sugar. rain is falling hard out here.

    In the eighteenth century it became trendy among the rich to read books and poems by uneducated working class writers. They liked the novelty of a genius in poverty. When your parents died and you had to look after your sisters, writing poetry might have been a viable source of income, if you had the right kind of backstory.

    one week ago was new year’s day, feels like it’s been 2023 longer than that. i’ve already been through a break-up and a reconciliation and been to the cinema several times.

    i found a new pond near my apartment. new to me, i gather from the confident waddle of the ducks that this has been their home for a while. its pretty and has benches and ducks and swans.

    work is going well. genuinely excited about the next project, even more so about the people i will be working with. the work itself is less exciting than the opportunity grow and demo a culture. the future looks good.

    i’m doing everything i can to stay mentally where i need to be to do play my part in the next chapter of my life. i can't believe how much work it is to stay consistent. amazed by everyone who does this.

    got an instant pot. i ordered it from the manufacturer's website. it was delivered in an amazon box by an amazon delivery driver. i'm just about to exploit life's still-unpatched infinite yoghurt glitch by putting yoghurt and milk in there until it becomes more yoghurt. that's kara's joke. thanks kara.

    i submitted some art for a zine. i'll probably post it next week.

    Greenwich Mean Time GMT

    gangpol & mit - vous avez profit d'instant communication avec tout le monde


    this Gangpol Und Mit soundcloud-only EP from 2005 remains the best 4 part piece of electronic music in this world and it is a blessing that we should thank Gangpol for every day

    Greenwich Mean Time GMT


    have you heard about Information Service? apparently you can send them any question with a return address and you'll receive an answer in the post

    i'm gonna try it.

    this is the address i was given if you haven't already seen it around:

    Information Service
    PO Box 78129
    SE13 9GE
    Greenwich Mean Time GMT

    drive safe today


    drive safe today !

    this one is a javascript canvas with cars driving down. the cars were drawn on paper and then photographed

    one of the cars drawn on paper

    the photographed of the drawing in my notebook is what's rendered on screen

    the physics was very hard; i am not very good at mathematics. sometimes it messes up very funny. also the longer you run it the more chaotic it gets.

    unintentional funny physics

    please enjoy! the music was made on op-1 field and touched up a little in Bitwig.

    underneath the purple sun

    Greenwich Mean Time GMT

    CGA Palettes for Pixelmator Pro

    in case you ever need them, here is a Pixelmator Pro palette made up of the 4 BIOS Mode 4 and the 2 undocumented BIOS Mode 5 CGA Palettes available in graphics mode at 320Γ—200.

    CGA Palettes