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  • Greenwich Mean Time GMT
    > So I will call you Dwayne Johnson, which means β€œthe rock.” On this rock I will > build my church, and death itself will not have any power over it. > > Matthew 16:18
    Greenwich Mean Time GMT


    • persistent fireworks in the uncultivated gorse
    • does anyone know how the public domain works internationally, with the internet? like, WC Fields movies are public domain in the UK but not in the US. what happens if I make something based on a Fields movie and put it on Internet??
    • I am nesh
    • the etymology of "bits and bobs" might be pennies and shillings
    • it's good and normal that Eric Schmidt and Henry Kissinger(!) are buddies who write books together
    • I went to a birthday gathering last night, today has been a write-off. I need to take some time off work to make some music, but not for the next fortnit
      • I have a new desk coming on Wednesday, to replace the music nook
    • my taxi driver told me I looked very beautiful and asked me if I'd ever tried "casual"
      • but luckily moments later they pondered aloud "why is elon musk so rich" and I was able to talk non-stop for 29 minutes about his great-grandmother (the first chiropractor in Canada!) and GM and energy credits and California law and the S&P500 and never let it go back to the previous topic (until I was out of the car, when it once again did)
      • I was also on the phone with somebody when I got into the taxi and they stayed on the line and chipped in ideas, like I was a talk-show host. a lot of fun
    • the fireworks continue

    Greenwich Mean Time GMT
    if someone asks you a question, respond "am I allowed to swear?"
    Greenwich Mean Time GMT
    i don't feel stressed during the day but every morning when i wake up i've chewed my tongue to smidirΓ­nΓ­
    Greenwich Mean Time GMT
    damn it wtf i have to eat YET AGAIN