unrelated we were laughing in the back seat about a line in house on mango
street when she said they look they they smell like brooms
think the drive thought we were laughing at him because after he said "i did
it on purpose to make you laugh" and i felt bad but couldn't explain
schengen visa
going to spain
meal deal princess
climbed in a bin
packing, working, grumping about
moving is very sleepyfying
i'm tired as can be
but im trying to build something, so don't wanna sleep yet. it isn't the shape
it needs to be yet. it needs to be where i can see t and know it's real and what
to do next and then i can sleep.
next month spain, next month zoo nights. una casita amarilla en el bosque cerca
(well, cerca-ish) de Barcelona. tenemos nuestras boletos and woo woo
chorizo and yum yum
pizza express was tasty.
big turkish dinner was tasty.
i don't know if i made anything tasty.
the package arrived from bartlett it was the
magazine offal. i really enjoyed the
pieces i read and look forward to reading more.
Apple Shortcuts is my favourite programming language. it's so there, and really
is Actual Thing Oriented, objects that are real stuff you can feel and
understand and hold touch rather than data efficient memory layouts. It has
triggers now on the iPhone so you can launch a Shortcut when you come home, or
get a text from a certain person, or at certain times. really fun.
a lot of the time you can change how you think.
i did something fun for work last week, and i'll be finishing it up tomorrow. i
know being fulfilled by your job is for protestants and capitalists, but today
is the first sunday in a while i've not been dreading tomorrow and that's nice.
last sunday when zoozer came over we started a week of keto. on monday we went
to a whiskey tasting at buffalo trace. later i made some creamy cajun chicken
that i will make again. animal of the day: the humble fanaloka.
in the morning it was eggs with chorizo and fresh mozarella and parsley. i had
had enough that day of straight gays, data "journalism" and concision. later
there was salmon fish and tahinia salad.
we deleted our amazon accounts, zoozoo signed up for fastmail, we read books on
our ereaders. i've read john dolar's erdogan pizza (5β) john wyndham's the
chrysalids (3.7β). if you are on thestorygraph and want to be my friend on
there you can add me my username is
i had preΓΆrdered fadi kattan's new recipe book
a few months ago. it's out next week. i'd preΓΆrdered it on amazon so when i
deleted my account i re-preΓΆrdered it on bookshop.org. it's out may 16th so i
selected next day delivery so i'd get it on may 17th, but they sent it out
actually next day so i got it on may 9th! support your local bookshop.
using the todo list application is actually helping me. i fixed the light under
the cooker hood finally. and lots of other stuff. i have an apple shortcut that
adds a todo item to import stuff i've written on paper into the todo system when
i arrive home from being outside. and it's been good fun learning an application
together. things can be cloying and true at once.
went to see the new garfield movie with zoozoo today. the movie was not very
good but it was fun to sit in the cinema with z. we should go to the cinema to
see a good movie some time. i enjoyed when jon was adding parmesan and said "say
when" and garfield the cat said "never".
life is good.
i'm so dehydrated i wish there was something that could be done about it.
A few of us are hanging out a Fozzie's tonight. Do you wanna come?
The lucky are the people who know what they like, and know what they're good at,
and know how to do those two together as soon as asap.
I think last week when we left off I was waiting for a washing machine. It was
raining on sunday. They called before it came and I let them know the only
entrance is a metal staircase on the outside of the building. They told me,
dismissively "yes yes" and hung up. They arrived and decided not to fit the
machine. They explained that outside my house there is a metal staircase and
that because it's been raining it will be difficult to get a washing machine
into the building.
Later in the day it turned out to be beautiful, sunniest day this year or that
might have been my mood as I walked through Bow ready to pack and help. The bus
journey to Bow, though, was one of the low points of my life. Everyone felt the
Summer in the air, and the Spring too. Our bus route goes through Millenium
Park, which homes the only IKEA in town. There was a lot of furniture, a lot of
families, not a lot of space. The strongest memory of it i have, however, is
narrowing my eyes to see the curves of Poseiden's butt in a photo of a painting
in a museum in Portugal included in the book i was reading. And then dropping an
Elvis juice which span across the bus floor like a top.
Staying drunk for days and then sober for weeks gives you a very different
perspective on the world vs drinking at nights.
I arrived at Lucky's, made some emergency mexican-lebanese food of canned
refried beans with chickpeas and cumin and fried beef mince with cinnamon and
Monday i worked from home and wondered if i even want to do this. I bade
farewell to Zoozoo who zoomed off to airport to meet Mimi for a week. I ate
poorly because i'm alone. Is it normal to need someone to take care of in order
to be bothered to care for yourself?
I fell asleep in the middle of the day.
And woke up at midnight on Tuesday very confused. I added /themes to my
blog. There are also some secret themes based on some of my favourite
colleagues' blogs.
you know when you're too tired to do anything but too tired to sleep? good to
have a few dumb ideas sitting around just for then.
Zizard came over for a bit to collect a charger, i sent her away with an iced
In the evening I watched RRR. Itβs a movie about two cute boys being best
friends and dancing and how the English must be wiped off the face of the
earth. and about how there is nothing more evil than a class traitor other than
the system that makes them think being a class traitor is their only hope. and,
obviously, the English. And how there is no more important bonding experience
for two men than killing as many Englishmen as possible. And about how the only
way to increase the value of a bullet it to put it through an English heart. And
how the only thing that can save us is a song (and intense military training and
guns) and friendship and religion.
Let not the result be your motive, nor let your attachment be to inaction.
That movie was 3 hours long and i could honestly watch another 6 hours of
it. great dances.
Wedensday I waited for machines. Try #2 for the washing machine. Also my OP-1F
finally home from repairs in Sweden. UPS just left that one on my doorstep and
walked away. The washing machine man said there was nothing wrong with my old
washing machine, and it was the pipes that are fucked. But he's wrong. New
washing machine is working well.
A programme I wrote for other people stopped working because the web platform
silently changed underneath me like it's 2011. If you've been cloning
declarative shadow root templates kept inside templates (i think the only
sensible way to use this feature if you're trying to use the web as an operating
system rather than as an instruction set) then you'll now have to add
shadowrootclonable=true to your inner template element. A fundamental breaking
change that the browsers didn't even mention in their release notes (except
Safari Technology Preview, unexpectedly).
Alice Bartlett said she's going to mail me something that reminds her of my
writing. I'm excited! The Royal Mail!
watched Killers of the Flower Moon. a movie about power and evil and how white
people need to be wiped off the face of the earth and how nothing will save us
except love and the FBI.
Zoozoo had her schengen appointment!!! It went well!!! We may be in the sunny
world of European Spain in a little over a month!!!!!!!!!!!
If not, there's always Macedonia, Turkey and Lebanon.
I bought a homeless guy a pack of cigarettes and walked away swaggering like I'm
Auda Abu Tayi "i'm a river to my people!"βΈ»i took a note to make fun of myself
about that later.
Went out for a drink and learned several times in a row that I no longer know
how to talk to centrists. The centre between "eradicate a people" and "don't
eradicate a people" is what exactly? Eradicate a few hundred thousand more?
I don't need your vibes-based analysis of the situation that is made of 40
tweets and 1 wikipedia article on the issue, and if you're going to be wrong and
uninformed and confident and lecturing all at once I may well be angry and I may
well be patronizing and I may well be impatient and I am not going to feel sorry
about it and I am not going to shake your hand because there is no "debate" to
be had when your side is genocide.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
It's been chill. I picked up Zoozoo's new ebook reader (a kobo clara colour) and
filled it with some books she is reading or interested in reading. She'll be
over soon once she's left Mimi at the airport.
cool picture of zoozoo at a lighthouse in plymouth
going to a whiskey tasting at the buffalo trace distillery tomorrow.
Word of the day is threnody, stressed with the rhythm of melody, a poem or
song of mourning or lamenting.
We've started using Things 3 to keep track of our To-Do lists. It's fun
using a pretty app. it's really good just having a single place to put things
instead of having decision paralysis every time i think of something.
blood soaked horses
a number of horses were on the loose in central london. there was a white one
and he was drenched in blood. here's how the headline on the live post by the
independent changed over time:
'Number of horses' on the loose in central London - as one appears to be
covered in blood
Blood-soaked runaway cavalry horses charge through London as soldier injured
Blood-soaked Household Cavalry horses loose in central London injuring people
and hitting cars
Three soldiers among those injured as blood-soaked cavalry horses rampage
through city
Runaway horses in serious condition βbut still aliveβ minister says
London horses β live: Runaway horse Quakerβs condition βnot looking goodβ as
Vida returns to stables
now, ignoring the transition to a somewhat accusatory tone directed at the
horses, it is true that that one white horse was called Quaker as in tremble at
the word of god which evokes Revelation "and behold a white horse, clothed with
a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word Of God". the only thing
john the revelator got wrong is that Christ was not upon the horse, Christ was
the horse and he trampled on some soldiers. There were 3 soldiers and one
non-soldier taken to hospital for horse injuries. Their names have not been
released so until we know for sure it's best to operate with the assumption
their names are Conquest, War, Famine, and the non-soldier Death.
we went out for a wonderful spanish meal at Brindisa, LB to celebrate the
schengen appointment and eat chorizo. great dinner. the beer hit a little too
hard. i had a small chat with some irish people who were pretending not to be
irish. i noticed my old vape shop has been replaced by an independent french
patisserie which seems like the wrong way round for how these homecomings go and
is quite pleasing. we met luke blaney, one of our
planet's strangest people, for a little empanada at porteΓ±a.
rooftop cinema
went to the rooftop cinema with dani to watch clueless. dani was a little late
so i got our blankets and found some seats. dani is recovering from whooping
cough because dani is a chimney sweep and/or news boy from victorian london
and/or four year old child.
tell you what Peckham is wild these days. i moved out of there a few years ago
and i thought i knew what direction it was going. lot of people who wouldβve
moved to shoreditch if the rent wasnβt high moving in. so i thought oh i know
where this is going, but iβll tell you what i was wrong. that place has the
highest freak density in london, and i mean that in a good way. all kinds of
wild people going around. now thereβs bouncers at every bar because more
students are drinking there, but thereβs also man in the street making barbecue
in an overturned barrel listening to reggae. in need of further analysis.
On the train home was a guy trying to get to βthe next big townβ after
Lewisham. "Woolwich!" When I was reading out the steps when Iβd got out of the
bathroom and I read him the steps βWoolwich! Does this stop there?β And I
checked and it does. He had a djembe and a few other drums and bells and he
stank of piss and had bright clothes and he looked me right in the eyes with his
icy blues and said thankyou and he bumped my fist. That kind of older red-sknned
white man with close white hair covering his whole head but thin and spare and
not dense. Once youβve given someone time who everyone else is trying to ignore
those other people wonβt meet your gaze any more. Did I taint myself or do they
just not know how to act? Iβve never known.
You cast a very interesting silhouette. that's OK fox, I'm not here for you.
trying the crackled path leading out from the cathedral to my home
While i was on the toilet zaina slapped me in the face with Β£500 cash and
knocked my glasses off.
night mare
this night i had one of the strangest and most persistent nightmares of my
life. we were all in a war and we could all cast these magic spells to attack
and harm and maim our opponents and there was a crowd going around who'd figured
out how to make us cast all our known spells on ourselves and they were much
more powerful than us. i kept realizing it was a nightmare and waking up and
being like "phew!" but then i'd fall back to sleep and be back in the same
nightmare as though it was not a dream but just another reality that was running
alongside the one in my waking life.
saturday after payday
a long day but a lot of fun. started out with a grand perigrination across the
island of england from lewisham, south greenwich to a business park in north to
eat an incredible lebanese breakfast at beit el zaytoun. house of olives. a sort
of fairuz theme restaurant on the canal. i'd never been before but when we
stepped down by the canal i realized i'd been right next to it a bunch of times
as it sits on the Grand Union facing the Grand Junction Arms, a place i am by
accident several times a year next to the mcvities biscuit factory. with the
bakerloo line closure and Harlesden closed we may have picked the worst day of
the year to make that journey, but a 2 hour morning constitutional (walk, not
poop) puts you in the right frame of mind for a breakfast for two that could
feed a family of five.
we walked to north acton, got some documents printed by the guy who owns anakin
skywalker in star wars episode 1, and took a choochoo train to TCR where we
visited the graveyard of the british invasion and got some stationery and saw a
girl being carried around on a ladder ladder by several gay men and 1 straight
man in a kilt and bought some undergarments and ate mexican food at the first
mexican restaurent in the UK and drank beer and ate koshari and drank beer and
ate nuggets and pork buns and drank beer and went to zoozoo's with big dreams of
packing up some little boxes for her move and getting a 2am Bolt (cheaper and
fast) but maybe we'll just lie down for a little bit cozy for a few minutes
before we get started and oh we're waking up and oh it's 7am and i have to rush
off to get a washing machine and none of the packing has happened.
now, this looks delicious:
you know those weird pubs that don't know who they are? house music and pub
grub... pickled eggs and 909 hats shouldn't be in close proximity, it is
sunday machine
and now i'm at home waiting for that washing machine that hasn't been delivered
yet. made a breakfast of humous and a corn tortilla with cheese and za'atar and
now i'm drinking beer and waiting for the new washing machine.
i can't wait to have a washing machine with a countdown clock on it and one that
doesn't leave a strange smell! i am less enthuastic about the bluetooth icon
i've seen on the washing machine in the pictures, but we'll see. maybe it'll be
fun and i'll be able to link it with Shortcuts.app (my favourite programming
language) to have a certain song play when the wash is done and automatically
add a reminder to empty the machine!
i've got a thing now where every time i come home my phone automatically adds a
reminder to type up all my paper notes into my digital notes.
click here to join my secret society The Meeting of the Blood-Soaked Horses.
i forgot to mention it last week, but look at this super cute collage postcard
lb made and sent over
new business
little springs
we have no ruffled grouses nor spring peepers here but there were plenty of
moths. zoozoo was staying the week and we cleaned out the everything. i realized
the masa harina incident never truly ended because around the corner in that
haunted cupboard there was an unseen organic granola full of breeding
henries. we have since destroyed their habitat and defeated them, it would seem,
for good.
schengen area
imagine a visa application system where you had to have tickets for a flight and
hotel before you apply for the appointment to ask for permission to use the
flight and hotel, and where very few of the visa appointments are given out
every month, and where they are snatched up quickly, and then you only get 90
days if you're lucky. eventually we managed to get an appointment and have
accidentally booked a trip to spain in june.
in other news, if you have a UK Biometric Residence Permit you can visit
Macedonia for 15 days without a visa this year onlyapparently.
All foreign nationals who are holders of valid USA, UK-British, and
Canadian visas, with multiple entries can enter the Republic of North
Macedonia without requiring a short-stay (visa C) issued from the Republic of
North Macedonia. The length of the stay at one entrance should not exceed 15
(fifteen) days, while the duration and the validity of the USA, British, and
Canadian visa should be 5 (five) days longer than the planned stay in the
Republic of North Macedonia. This decision is of a temporary character and
shall be in force from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024.
good news for roasted red pepper fans.
other business
i didn't take any notes this week, so it's hard to retrace my steps. i think we
mostly just tidied and tidied and tidied. the apartment looks lovely. and i
cooked lots of nice meals. roasted red pepper and feta dip; and curry; and lemon
and garlic and olive oil and butter codfish; and keto-ejjeh; a beef sausage
tomato and roast pepper casserole; many cheese flatbreads, one very pizza;
labneh. a nice fat omelete this morning with grilled bacon and philadelphia.
i'm reading the john dolan book, enjoying his surprisingly parallel struggles as
he sees the world by accident. it's good company to know you can be 60 years old
and still not have your shit together but survive and eat mcdonalds.
market business
we went for a nice walk today to the market. then to see where the marathon
began, it was noisy. we stopped in at a coffee shop and bought some cute amber
glass cups and saucers and new filters and came home and some nice coffee with
lunch that was leftover dinner. it's funny how all those marathon strangers
peering up at the tops of the buildings on my local high street like it was some
foreign land made it all feel new again. with april threatening to shine a
summer sun and take its clouds in the days feel long and hopeful, like they
could have a joy in them.
zoozoo was over at my rabbit hutch for a few days, and on tuesday we went out to
slade green to collect my . it was fun riding the train and
drinking canned beers. the instrument is great fun! very playful.
she had a friend coming over for Eid so left on Wednesday morning, we had kind
of a strange night but it was just a lot of pressure from feeling like there
isn't much time to make a lot of big decisions.
more silly things on this website
i spent some of my free time this week adding a micropub endpoint so i can write
posts from (for instance) IA Writer.app or Drafts.app on my phone and
NOTE FOR COMPUTER PEOPLE ONLY: implementing micropub is actually
not as hard i thought AND you don't actually need indieauth.
indieauth is just used to get a oauth token, but then the oauth token is sent as
authentication: Bearer ${token}. so i just made one publish token and then
told IA Writer.app about it.
i'm having a lot of fun making little icons and preparing for interactive and
art posts. hopefully soon i'll actually have some art inside me again to put in
them. but for now it's a lot of fun laying brick.
sneaking through the night
i took a bolt at about 2am on friday morning, intending to stay for only a few
hours or so. but then i stayed until sunday. i met her friend Sam, who is lovely
and interesting. we all made vine leaves together on saturday for workingman's
they were extremely delicious. we used laila's recipe from The
Gaza Kitchen. that's a really great book that intertwines eloquent
and vivid recipes with eloquent and vivid stories of gaza. the potatoes were
like lemons.
we said our goodbyes on sunday morning. zoozer and i made plans for the next
day, she's coming to visit for a week.
sunday lounging scrounging
the dlr is in fact NOT RUNNING today which means it is not possible to travel
between any two places in London. so we're gonna stay here another night before
we do our little choo-choo + chee + zoo-zoo experiment of living together at my
place for a week or two to see if we'd like to life together at my place for a
month or three while we bank dollar after dollar on Half Price Rent.
i have the tightest abs and the biggest ass in the city of london
oh i'll turn the oven on
i made a delicious tangy curry with freshly stewed tomatos and everything else
in the fridge. and a cucumber yoghurt sauce with all the juice a lemon had and a
little vinegar. it was extremely delicious. freshly stewed tomatos really bare
almost no resemblance to canned chopped tomatos.
other matters
weather forecast says
π ΒΏwhere is picnic? π
why do wifi 7 routers look like that? like they were sent here by an alien race
of spider people?
well, i think it's time that we all had a little hazy jane and watched an
episode of lodge 49 don't you?