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entries tagged “weekly”

Greenwich Mean Time GMT


  • feliz domingo!!
  • went out tonight for dinner, it was lovely! pero,
    • it was the first time i've spent time sober with anyone since july
    • i found myself sitting waiting on the exact spot on a bench outside whitechapel i sat waiting in july
      • and then attending the same gallery as i did in july
        • the same exhibition
          • anyway i feel really weird
Greenwich Mean Time GMT

2021-11-21 | me piro, vampiro

  • i dyed
  • my hair vampire red
    • i tried to go cotton candy pink first, but i think the cotton candy pink i got was fake.
      • conspicuous behaviours:
        • foamed up way too much, as if it was just pink conditioner
        • did not dye my hands or face skin, which is weird for manic panic
        • when i went to rinse it out with cold water it out it foamed up even more, which is not something manic panic tends to do
        • ran clear immediately at rinsing stage
        • did not dye my hair
      • compare to the vampire red i applied next:
        • did not foam up
        • dyed my entire face and hands and also my entire house almost immediately after being opened
        • did not foam up when being rinsed out
        • never ran completely clear even after being run under cold water for twenty minutes (it still hasn't run clear after several showers and a bath)
        • dyed my hair

  • don't worry about the panda. their name is pizza dog
  • jaja con jota
  • today i went to 7 shops trying to find coriander
    • there is no coriander in blackheath
  • we had a guest team member for a couple of weeks and it was a joy
  • ok, i have to make some music and some tacos see ya
Greenwich Mean Time GMT

Domingo 2021-11-14

  • Britney free
  • today i'm going to bleach my hair and drink tequila in the bath
  • i got a new desk for making music, a new music making station

  • the music nook has been repurposed as a soldering nook, just need to get a little heatproof mat for it
  • this week i've been taking strength any time i might wanna text somebody, or be sad about the past, from an interview with Snow where she says "i ain't gonna fuck with nobody that doesn't whole-heartedly fuck with me"
  • i was sick a lot of the week
  • got some new clothes, they're cute
    • haven't really bought many new clothes for a while. i have a lot of old clothes that are full of holes i've had for many years that i need to replace.
    • got a new coat. it's a black and large and has a big fluffy hood
    • it's been 3 years since i've had to go out by myself in ropa nueva and i really didn't expect it to make me so nervous, but it did
    • among the new clothes are a multi-coloured Thumper t-shirt and a gold rabbit necklace.
  • i'd like to recommend wearing sunglasses in the bath. feels amazing, don't know why.
  • cried a lot this week. really bored of it.
  • how is it still fireworks day?
    • someone let off a bunch of fireworks in the street right outside my window on Friday evening, it went on for about an hour. i was afraid like dog.
  • it's good when baby cows wear those little hats

"I ain't gonna fuck with nobody that don't whole-heartedly fuck with me"

Snow Tha Product

Greenwich Mean Time GMT


  • persistent fireworks in the uncultivated gorse
  • does anyone know how the public domain works internationally, with the internet? like, WC Fields movies are public domain in the UK but not in the US. what happens if I make something based on a Fields movie and put it on Internet??
  • I am nesh
  • the etymology of "bits and bobs" might be pennies and shillings
  • it's good and normal that Eric Schmidt and Henry Kissinger(!) are buddies who write books together
  • I went to a birthday gathering last night, today has been a write-off. I need to take some time off work to make some music, but not for the next fortnit
    • I have a new desk coming on Wednesday, to replace the music nook
  • my taxi driver told me I looked very beautiful and asked me if I'd ever tried "casual"
    • but luckily moments later they pondered aloud "why is elon musk so rich" and I was able to talk non-stop for 29 minutes about his great-grandmother (the first chiropractor in Canada!) and GM and energy credits and California law and the S&P500 and never let it go back to the previous topic (until I was out of the car, when it once again did)
    • I was also on the phone with somebody when I got into the taxi and they stayed on the line and chipped in ideas, like I was a talk-show host. a lot of fun
  • the fireworks continue

Greenwich Mean Time GMT

Sunday, Hallowe'en 2021

  • Hallowtide begins
  • I was meant to go to a party in Southampton but instead I had a lie down on the sofa
  • I've been working too much. keep finding myself still working at 10p.m., or in Friday's case at 9a.m.
    • I have no natural reason to stop, need to fake it some how
  • this week had not much in it.
    • i got a 1010music bluebox. made some music. it's not very good. having a good time though.
      • i can use the little lfo device i made last week
    • i went to the office, picked up a new computer.
    • met a nice couple on the train, they sent me photos of their pasta when they got home
    • sent a couple postcards. they should arrive on monday and tuesday.
  • can't believe it's been a year since i made those spooky peppers and our kombucha rotted on the mantle
  • just remembered i booked tomorrow off work, and the tension i didn't know i was feeling melted away like the perfect silence after the fusebox blows
British Summer Time GMT+1

Sunday, 2021-10-24

  • eating a beyond burger
    • do you think we ever would have figured out we could do this with vegetables if we'd never eaten meat?
      • probably not, right?
        • so, question: what else can we do with vegetables ??
    • it's fucked up people invented bread though
    • sometimes if you talk to a vegan about beyond burgers they will stare at you with wide open eyes and a chilling smile and say "IT BLEEDS"
  • i've been sick most of the week. also my blood sugar has been really high and has been melting the roof of my mouth. starting to feel better today
LFO device
  • i'm making a little usb midi lfo device
    • currently implementing the bpm-synced sin function, which is much harder without a little math man about the house
  • i don't know if i have anything else to report
  • ATB's 9pm (til i come) was playing in Lewisham shopping center when i was leaving yesterday.
    • second single i ever bought
    • it came in a cardboard sleeve with a sticker saying "HMV Import"
    • i bought it in the upstairs of a mall in Northern Ireland that I have never been to again, and have no idea where it is
      • that was also the first time i saw the cover of Nirvana's Nevermind
    • the first single i bought was Flat Beat by Mr Oizo.
      • got that in woolies
  • ricky martin's livin la vida loca was the first #1 single to be fully made in a DAW
  • when i was having absolutely lysergic sit on a bench in battersea park last week, i realized i'd been drunk since July so i took a break for a week
  • i have a spot on my right areola. it looks and feels like a third nipple
  • thanks
British Summer Time GMT+1

Sunday, October 17 2021

  • my grandfather, he can't read or write; but he can sing like nina simone
  • I went our for pixie's birthday from Thursday until Saturday night
  • on Saturday morning I went for a long walk from Wandsworth to Camden
  • I saw ducky perform live on stage in a music hall in Windlesham
    • it was wonderful
  • I've not gone to the rave, so i could spend Sunday recovering